To: Region 3 ExCom Fr: David G. Green, Region 3 Director-Elect Sb: Director-Elect's Report for August ExCom Dt: 28 July 2010 Wow! What a summer! Lots of challenges within the region: the problems on the Gulf Coast, the very slowly recovering(?) economy and the US Space effort slow down are all impacting members. Related to this, congratulations to Director Stogner, Ed Kirchner, Bill Harrison, George McClure, and the rest of the team: The Region 3 Employment project placed very high (perhaps #1) in the MGA Challenge among the 60+ proposals. You can see the challenge information at . In other reports for this meeting you will hear details of this effort as well as where you can and should fit in. As you begin plans for resuming or supporting IEEE activities in the Sections during the Fall, consider how to support the members who are especially challenged by these events. Encourage and support their continued attendance at section meetings as well as provide them opportunities to contribute and continue their networking. I have submitted a separate note as a Discussion Item for the Agenda on the conversion of the Region 3 OnLine Community from the CommunityZero to IEEE Sixent Enterprise Platform. Please join us there when it becomes active! Status of Goals for 2010: * Finish the migration of duties accumulated while Region 3 Secretary to the new secretary or others as appropriate - Complete (unless Gregg Vaughn tells me differently) * Visit at least four Area/Councils - Received two invitations * Actively participate on Region 3 Committee, the ExCom, and Region 3 Committees as appropriate and required - Continuing * In support of and in coordination with Director Stogner and the 2010 Region 3 Goals and Objectives, enable and encourage Region 3 committees to be effective in fulfilling their charter. - Continuing As an action report for 2010 since my last report, I have * Collaborated with SPC Chair Riddle on the Operations Manual revisions * Assisted Director Stogner as requested * Supported the migration of the R3 site from CommunityZero to Sixent * Continued other non-Region 3 IEEE duties (Secretary, Past Treasurer, ITTC, vTools and related activities) * Met the new IEEE CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) in activities related to the above