IEEE R3 Leadership Development Report August 30, 2010 Progress continues on the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence. The Standard Training for the 'core' section officer positions should be done in another month or so. No LD workshops are currently planned this Fall - please see me if you need a workshop in your Area / Council. I will be working over the next few weeks to assemble the 'framework' breakouts for the R3 Fall Meeting in Atlanta. The core sessions of the meeting will be a series of talks from the IEEE-USA Committee on Workforce Policy and Careers (CWPC) that form a career workshop. The sessions in this workshop will be provided to the section representatives so that they can take these presentations back to their sections and present them for their members. The remaining sessions before and after this workshop will be the "Train the Trainer" sessions aimed at helping our section leaders make use of this material and other IEEE resources (including the leadership and members themselves) to build their own networks of interacting, engaged, and active members that will make the career workshops and continuing efforts produce the maximum effect in each one of our sections. I am drawing from a number of experienced 'hands' in our region for the material and knowledge to make this a success, including our Past Director, Director Elect, PACE Chair, and past Awards Chair. Anyone interested in working on these sessions is welcome - we need more people to Inspire, Energize, Empower, and Engage all 30,000+ of our members and use the power of the IEEE to get us all working and productive! Contact me at the email address below if you want to help!! Charles J. Lord, P.E. IEEE Region 3 Leadership and Regional Support Chair IEEE NC Council Educational Activities Chair IEEE Eastern NC Section PACE Chair IEEE Eastern NC Section Embedded Systems SIG Chair IEEE MGA vTools Committee IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence Committee IEEE SoutheastCon 2010 Registration Chair and Advisor