To: Region 3 ExCom Fr: David G. Green, Region 3 Director-Elect Sb: Director-Elect's Report for November Region 3 ExCom Dt: 26 October 2010 Thanks to all the Region 3 Volunteers who worked to share the CWPC's Career Survival for Engineers and Scientists in the 21st Century workshop with Section members throughout Region 3. Special thanks to the core team of Lee Stogner, Ed Kirchner, George McClure, and Charles Lord. We also had help from IEEE-USA Staff Member John Yaglenski with the broadcast of the event as well as capturing the content for later use. I hope many sections had a successful program based on this content. Please let the team know how things worked and if this was a benefit to your members. The new Region 3 Collaboration Site at now has 81 Region 3 volunteers registered. If you are not part of the community yet, log in with your IEEE WebAccount credentials and if necessary issue a request to join the community. Either I or one of the others who have volunteered to administer the system will promptly enable your membership on the site. The materials from the Region 3 Committee meeting. Status of Goals for 2010: * Finish the migration of duties accumulated while Region 3 Secretary to the new secretary or others as appropriate - Complete (unless Gregg Vaughn tells me differently) * Visit at least four Area/Councils - Received two invitations * Actively participate on Region 3 Committee, the ExCom, and Region 3 Committees as appropriate and required - Continuing * In support of and in coordination with Director Stogner and the 2010 Region 3 Goals and Objectives, enable and encourage Region 3 committees to be effective in fulfilling their charter. - Continuing As an action report for 2010 since my last report, I have * Assisted Director Stogner as requested including the Region 3 remote webinar version of the CWPC's Conference. * Continued other non-Region 3 IEEE duties (Secretary, Past Treasurer, Governance, Board, vTools and related activities) * Attended IEEE Board Meeting and Retreat * Assisted with the Alabama Section and UAB efforts for IEEE Day * Served as a Proctor for the IEEE Xtreme Programming Contest * Participated in MGA Assessments and Allocations Ad Hoc Committee