North Carolina Council, Area 2, Report The North Carolina Council has retained its elected officers for one more year with the understanding that they will write the new Council Bylaws and obtain appropriate ratification. Therefore the officers remain: CHAIR: Jim Corr V-CHAIR: Tom Weldon SEC/TREAS: Dennis Dice. Toward the aim of ratifying the new NC Council Bylaws, on Saturday, January 22, 2011, the full Council Committee met and did ratify the new Bylaws (they are attached here in .pdf form). It should be noted that there was some heated discussion, primarily regarding some of the "requirements" in the MGA Operations Manual. Such as: * Requiring 1 meeting each year inside the boundaries of the Council, which could mean 3 meeting per year - are telecons O.K.? Can we use the R3 telecon facilities? Do we need it for the yearly elections? * How are we gong to get 2 to 3 nominations for each seat each year and why? * Why elections every year? * Why Bylaws in the 1st place? The Sections, who are the legal entity, are not required to have Bylaws. * What happens after the Council ratifies it's Bylaws with the Concil Committee? What exactly is the PROCESS? * The Operations Manual specifies no remedies for non-compliance. I.E. What happens if we don't abide by the all these requirements. All it says is the Council will be on probation if the Treasurer doesn't report each year. * We looked quickly at all the new Section requirements -similar response.... So in addition to all that fun, our Treasurer presented our budget for the year and it passed. Finally we got to the meet of the meeting. We had 20+ Council members, mostly new Section Officers, assembled for TRAINING. We had our new R3 Training Guru (Mary Ellen Randall) and our retiring (?) and 100lb slimmer R3 Training Officer (Charles Lord) fire-hose IEEE information at them. Officers from all 5 Sections were in attendance. New and 'been there awhile' all said they really learned a lot. The new guys went away shaking their heads. It went all day Saturday, in Greensboro. Mary Ellen, Charles, Jim Conrad and Paul Goodson held the fire hose. They did a great job! Many thanks to them and all the attendees. Our Secretary/Treasurer is putting together a more detailed report of the entire meeting. Thanks, Jim James L. Corr IEEE Senior Member Chair - North Carolina Council SoutheastCon 2010 PR Chair WNC Section - Past Chair Student Activities Co-Chair Local Consutlants' Network Chair