To: Region 3 Committee and Region 3 ExCom Fr: David G. Green, Region 3 Director-Elect Sb: Director-Elect Report for March 2011 Region 3 ExCom & Committee Meeting Dt: 7 March 2011 Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Region 3 Committee meeting in Nashville. As announced elsewhere we have a good program planned and we have some important work to do. While you are at the conference, be sure to talk with candidates for Region 3 Director-Elect for 2012-3 (to serve as Director in 2014-5.) This is an important position within the region and is a 6+ year commitment. At the IEEE-USA Annual Meeting, I was able to attend several sessions interesting sessions. The sessions as well as the keynotes and awards are covered in a series of blog postings: . One of the most interesting sessions was Peggy Hutcheson's "Volunteer Engagement" session ( The number one message for me was personalization. Whether it be the request to volunteer, the recognition for doing a good job, listening to the candidate, or making delegation choices -- remember each of us responds better when we feel directly part of the activity. Also at the awards dinner, the student video that won the fourth annual "How Engineers Make a World of Difference" was shown. The Zachary Phillips, the author, was present to receive the award. This is available online (playing from YouTube) and worth a look. I would like to visit other areas and councils and participate in meetings where appropriate. Please touch base with me and lets see what can be scheduled and how I can continue to learn and help IEEE in Region 3. Goals for 2011: * Work on a planning effort for Region 3 to encompass Sections Congress, MGA, Region 3 and its sections (in progress) * Visit at least four Area/Councils (invitations?) * Actively participate on Region 3 Committee, the ExCom, and Region 3 Committees as appropriate and required (continuing) * In support of and in coordination with Director Stogner and the 2011 Region 3 Goals and Objectives, enable and encourage Region 3 committees to be effective in fulfilling their charter. (in progress) As an action report for 2011 since my last report, I have * Participated in IEEE Board Series in Miami * Participated in IEEE-USA Annual Meeting, presented vTools * Participated on MGA Region Allocation Committee (Ad Hoc) * Participated on MGA vTools Committee * Participated on MGA Strategic Direction and Environmental Assessment Committee * Participated on IEEE-USA Member Engagement Committee (Ad Hoc} * Participated in several activities associated with being a Past Secretary, Past Treasurer, and member of several IEEE Committees