Fall Webinars

Based on the survey results:

  1. We will use Monday night, 9pm Eastern for our time slot

  2. We will offer the two most popular choices:

    a. Succession Planning, N&A, Voting Tool
    b. Professional Activites for the Fall

I have asked Director-Elect Mary Ellen Randall to lead our efforts on the first topic and PAO Chair John Montague to lead our efforts in the second webinar. Both shall involve others (including outside folks) in the presentations.

The following information is the “current planning” for the events but the details of the session are still being worked out amongst the presenters.

Succession Planning, N&A, Voting Tool, 29 October 2012, 9pm ET

– Mary Ellen Randall

  1. Human Resources consultant to do the Succession Planning part of the webinar. She is going to talk about early identification of individuals with leadership potential, helping to give them the right experiences, keeping them motivated by showing them the career advantage to these experiences, etc. This will be around 15–20 minutes.

  2. Bill Ratcliff will do about 15–20 minutes on the N & A process in IEEE. Some of the section and councils are using a more formal N & A process and seeing good results, i.e. more candidates.

  3. Bill Tidemann will demo of how to set up the election using the voting tool including extracting the voter list from SAMIEEE in about 15–20 minutes.

  4. Discussion / Q&A

Professional Activites for the Fall, 5 November 2012, 9pm ET

– John Montague

The Webinar target audience is IEEE Region 3 volunteer leaders (Region 3 Committee members, Section+Chapter+Council+Branch officers and PACE+MD Committee chairs) although all Region 3 members are welcome.

  1. John Montague, Introduction to the R3 Professional Activities Operations Committee and how to seek funding available to support professional activities in Region 3 units.

  2. Speaker(s) TBD - Overview of meeting topic areas that can be the basis of programs for the section:

    a. Soft Skills
    b. Legal issues
    c. Personal career and financial issues
    d. Business skills
    e. Employment topics
    f. Governtment activities
    g. Pre-college activities

  3. Russell Harrison, IEEE-USA Government Affairs will make a presentation about opportunities for member involvement and Section activities in the Government Activities domain.

  4. Discussion


  1. Will use WebEx
  2. Will be advertised to r3-sec03@ieee.org and eNotice to Region 3 GeoUnit volunteers
  3. Will attempt to record for later viewing