Region 3 Director Elect’s Report February 25, 2013 Attended the IEEE Board Series meetings in Austin, TX from February 12-18. This included the MGA and IEEE-USA Board meetings, as well. MGA continues its efforts in engaging members and provided some breakdown of different phases of the member lifecycle which we will use in our meetings at SouthEastCon. IEEE-USA continues to advocate on our behalf. A focus area at present is the H1B Visa situation. Much of the Board meeting was devoted to keeping our technical communications high quality and easily found. Other areas, such as conferences, were also reviewed. It was interesting to hear about efforts to avoid plagiarism and other paper quality problems, given that SouthEastCon is one of the first to utilize the new tool recently made available. At the region level, we are working on the Strategic Plan, Region staffing, and goals for this year. REPEATED Good INFORMATION: The recorded webinar on Succession Planning, N&A and the vTools Voting Tool which was held on October 29th on Webex is still available on the region website for re-viewing. We had 3 outstanding presenters. 1. Katherine Sliva, President of KELS Consulting. Katherine is an HR Expert who spoke about the Succession Planning process and how it can be applied to IEEE. 2. Bill Ratcliff, past Region 3 Director, will explained the Nominations and Appointments process in IEEE. 3. Bill Tiedemann, Richmond Membership Development Chair, Web Editor, Communications Chair, etc. demonstrated how to use the VTools Voting Tool and how to use SAMIEEE to gather the eligible voters. The meeting is at . Respectfully submitted, Mary Ellen Randall Region 3 Director-Elect