IEEE Central North Carolina Section Report for SoutheastCon13 Jacksonville, FL April 4-7, 2013 The IEEE Central North Carolina Section organizes activities under the auspices of the national society chapters. The two main societies represented are: · Computer Society · Triple Society (Electron Devices, Microwave Theory & Technology, Solid-State Circuits) The IEEE Central North Carolina Section participates in a number of activities designed to broaden the reach of the organization, these activities are represented in the following: Most Successful Recent Activity: 1. Engineering Dean's Distinguished Speaker Series, 2. Presentation, 3. Webinar, 4. Section social meetings as officers and members, and 5. Workshops for students at colleges and high school. Ø Most Fun Recent Activity: 6. Seminar, 7. Lunch and learn, 8. Carrier fair. Member Engagement Activities: Some of our members are engagement activities are done as joint with other educational, scientific and engineering industrial organizations such as: 1. Engineering Connections, 2. Guilford Education Alliance, 3. RF Micro, 4. Analog Devices, 5. NCA&TSU, 6. UNCG, 7. SME, 8. ASME, and 9. PENC. Section activities focused toward STEM members and nonmembers. As IEEE members we participate with our neighboring universities, colleges and schools to encourage involvement in STEM activities. In addition to mentoring some activities such as Future City, Robotics and Renewable Energy workshops to STEM schools. Barriers: One of the main issues we have that it is the same of group of members who is running the show, which burn us completely. Thank you, Ibraheem Kateeb, PhD Computer Systems Technology North Carolina A&T State University 1601 E. Market Street Greensboro, NC 27411 336-285-3104