Central Tennessee Section Report to IEEE Region 3 Committee, April 2013 --------------------------- INTRO The Central Tennessee Section covers virtually all middle Tennessee counties, extending from the Tennessee River in the west to just east of Cookeville and Tullahoma. The section contains four ABET-accredited engineering schools: Vanderbilt University, Lipscomb University, Tennessee State University, and Tennessee Tech University. Most meetings are held at the Tennessee Engineering Center in Nashville. Often meetings are held in conjunction with the Music City Power Quality Group. Approximately 30-40 people attend each meeting. MOST FUN ACTIVITY/PROGRAM One of our fun events is our annual Winter Meeting, which is held in December. During this time we gather to have a meal together, socialize, and reflect on the past year. In 2012 the speaker spoke on management styles designed to empower employees and the prior year topic included iPad vs. other tablets. MOST SUCCESSFUL ACTIVITY/PROGRAM One of our best technical programs included a 3 hour in-depth presentation on lead-acid batteries, presented by John Kim of Enersys on February 21, 2013. Our most well-attended meeting was an overview of key changes to the 2011 National Electric Code, which Metro-Nashville was adopting at the time. The presentation was delivered in February 2012 by Alan Manche of Schneider Electric. In November, several members presented a series of Power Quality Case Studies. Topics covered included harmonic distortion and filtering, UPS incompatibility with modern servers, voltage sags, and lightning protection. MEMBER ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES We primarily interface with our members through our quarterly technical meetings. However, we held a student outreach BBQ in the month of October at Vanderbilt University, which allowed us to gain feedback from many student IEEE members in our area. We also have our annual Winter Meeting. SECTION ACTIVITIES FOCUSED OUTWARD The section has sponsored the MATHCOUNTS student mathematics competition for the past several years. We have also supported students traveling to SECON at both Tennessee Tech University and TSU. BARRIERS None. ISSUES REQUIRING ACTION BY REGION 3 EXCOMM None. Sara Elliott