Region 3 Director-Elect’s Report April 7, 2013 Member Engagement. Work on” Leadership By Example,” highlighting successful member engagement actions by sections has continued, including regular examples at the region WebEx’s, hoping to spark ideas for other sections to use or adapt. Discussions at these WebEx’s led us to include a special session at our Region meeting. This topic crosses Educational Activities, STEM, and PACE. Future directions. A full day session was planned for the region meeting in Jacksonville. I participated in the planning of that meeting and am very interested in the outcome because it should drive initiatives for the future years. Strategic Planning. Participated in Strategic Planning discussions within the region. This, again is to help lead in a meaningful direction. Please feel free to provide me your input and include what you feel is working and should not be changed, as well as your suggestions for improvement. Additionally, I attended required Board meetings and teleconferences since last report. REPEATED Good INFORMATION: The recorded webinar on Succession Planning, N&A and the vTools Voting Tool which was held on October 29th on Webex is still available on the region website for re-viewing. We had 3 outstanding presenters 1. Katherine Sliva, President of KELS Consulting. Katherine is an HR Expert who spoke about the Succession Planning process and how it can be applied to IEEE. 2. Bill Ratcliff, past Region 3 Director, will explained the Nominations and Appointments process in IEEE. 3. Bill Tiedemann, Richmond Membership Development Chair, Web Editor, Communications Chair, etc. demonstrated how to use the VTools Voting Tool and how to use SAMIEEE to gather the eligible voters. The meeting is at . Respectfully submitted, Mary Ellen Randall Region 3 Director-Elect Mary Ellen Randall Ascot Technologies, Inc. (919) 388-1776 2012-2013 IEEE Director-Elect/Delegate-Elect