East Tennessee Section Report to IEEE Region 3 Committee, April 2013 *Introduction:* East Tennessee Section will have members attending the Region 3 meetings at SouthEastCon. Our goals are to stay connected with other sections within Region 3 as well as stay informed of activities in our region. *Goals:* Increase community awareness of IEEE and the local section -Community involvement through: TN Science Bowl, FIRST Robotics, East TN Science Fair, University of Tennessee E-Week through volunteering Increase membership attendance at meetings -Pole of technical meeting subjects -Increased incentives -Introduced a new Membership recruitment officer Increased sponsorship of IEEE events and well as science related events -Charitable donations made to: TN Science Bowl, FIRST Robotics (FRC and FLL), East TN Science Fair, High school Science Competition teams, and High school Science development programs* * *Membership Activities:* Monthly meetings December 2012: ExCom meeting for close of 2012, elections, and review of funds. Attendance: 10 -January 2013: Tour of National Transportation Research Center and the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Attendance: 55 This meeting was help to demonstrate some of the new capabilities in additive manufacturing. Lonnie Love from ORNL was the technical speaker. -April 2013: Aldis, Corp. Jeff Price will be speaking about the analysis of video images used to sense intersection traffic. *Barriers:* -Continued Student involvement after graduation: recruiting younger members and getting them involved as officers. *Website:* -The EastTN section continues to utilize their website as the best form of communication between officers and members. Member can find information about volunteering opportunities, register to attend upcoming meetings, and see awards the section has received along with other information on the website. -- N. Dianne Bull nbull@utk.edu NoraDianneBull@gmail.com