Piedmont Section Report IEEE Region 3 Committee Meeting, April 2013 Most fun activity: Listening to the inside stories regarding interviews from recruiters and managers. We hosted an event at Clemson during which there was a lot of interesting conversations regarding what to expect during an interview and how people are judged by the interviewer. Most successful activity: This was the tour of St. Jude's Medical's manufacturing facility in Liberty, SC. After a short presentation regarding the technology, participants were given a detailed tour of the facility. Good explanations and practical insights made this activity even more interesting. Member Engagement Activities: Recruiting Student Members. The section supported the Clemson IEEE Student Branch start up from a dormant state and provided industry contacts for events. Several students joined IEEE this year. Outward Activities: Members volunteered at the IEEE Electric Vehicles Conference held in Greenville during March. Piedmont section has been judging Clemson University ECE Department's final year projects. The section has also initiated an annual scholarship for a student in the department starting from this year. Barriers: Distance is a considerable barrier. Also, due to the increasing popularity of other networking options (websites, other groups and conferences etc.), IEEE's popularity as a networking option has been decreasing over the years. IEEE needs to become more relevant to the today's engineer. IEEE Spectrum is now avialable freely online, earlier, this was only available to IEEE members. Several other excellent tech news websites have come up. All of this does eat up what IEEE used to offer to its members. -- Githin F. Alapatt Secretary, IEEE Piedmont Section https://www.ces.clemson.edu/~galapat/