Virginia Mountain Section Report to IEEE Region 3 Committee April 2013 INTRO The Virginia Mountain Section covers a geographic area of western Virginia primarily following the I-81 corridor, and meetings are generally held in Roanoke or Blacksburg. Two ABET-accredited engineering schools reside in the section: Virginia Tech and Virginia Military Institute. Most meetings have an average of 25 people in attendance with speakers from both industry and academia. MOST FUN ACTIVITY/PROGRAM Many people would consider the November 2012 meeting as the most fun activity in the past few months. This meeting included hors’ d’oeuvres prior to the catered meal, and featured a speaker from Pixel Optics speaking on the topic of electronic-focusing eyewear. MOST SUCCESSFUL ACTIVITY/PROGRAM One of our most successful programs was our meeting in March 2013 that featured Dr. Jim Thorp speaking on Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and drew quite a bit of discussion and questions during and following the presentation. Another very well received presentation was a program on alternate energy provided by Mr. Mark Hanson, in which he displayed and discussed his Karmann Ghia gas-to-electric car conversion, and spoke about home solar and wind-power installations. MEMBER ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Our monthly meetings have been the primary vehicle for member engagement. Each year we typically conduct a meeting that includes a plant/facility tour of a local company. In the recent past, these have included a tour of Salem Municipal Power (responsible for the distribution of electric power for a municipality), Delta Star (designer and manufacturer of substation transformers), and Cobham Inc. (designer and manufacturer of semiconductor wafers/chips). Many in attendance appreciate being able to see the realization of a product from design to manufacture, or the delivery of a service such as electric power from their local utility; “engineering-in-action” attracts a larger audience and increases group participation. SECTION ACTIVITIES FOCUSED OUTWARD The section has voted to financially sponsor a middle school team participating in a science competition, a college student wanting to attend a conference on leadership issues for women, as well as financially supporting a “soft-skills” conference hosted by the Virginia Tech IEEE student chapter. Additionally, we’ve published a call for volunteers for judges for various student science competitions. BARRIERS One barrier we’ve faced is a limitation of awareness to only the electrical engineering community, which has meant that only the electrical engineering community is aware of what IEEE is and considers attending IEEE programs. I would like to offer programs that draw a larger audience to learn about technology. ISSUES REQUIRING ACTION BY REGION 3 EXCOMM None. Joe Hartwell Design Engineer II Delta Star, Incorporated 3550 Mayflower Dr., Lynchburg VA. 24501 +1 434.845.0921 ext. 5496