To: Region 3 ExCom
Fr: David G. Green, Region 3 Director
Cc: Region 3 Committee
Dt: 29 April 2013

Based on recommendations from members at SoutheastCon and discussions with many since then, I am appointing the following ad hoc committees to work on specific interest to our Sections and the Section Leaders:

360 degree view of member

Given the goal to have a 360 degree view of the member, what is the data that should be collected by the section, and what are the needs of the section for this information. Try to suggest the form of solutions that would address the need.


Evaluate benefits and costs of a Region 3 - based speakers available to support Section STEM outreach and make a recommendation on the associated implementation.

Leadership Development Training Program

Design, prepare, and deliver a prototype of a next generation leadership development program that would be useful for IEEE in preparing leaders and useful to the individual in their career. Evaluate the results of the delivery and recommend future actions.

Remote Conferencing / Meetings

Investigate the feasibility of generating, and if possible, generate a list of equipment and procedures that would facilitate the publicizing, recording, and sharing of Section meetings across the Region.

SoutheastCon Structure – Student Conference / Region Activities

Review the present structure of the Region 3 events associated with SoutheastCon including the events shared with the SoutheastCon professional program as well as the events associated with the Region 3 Student Conference and the events associated with the Region 3 Committee meeting, training, and workshops with respect to the mission of IEEE and propose improvements (measured) within the current budget preserving all MGA required activities (such as official region committee meeting, official student paper contest).

As noted in the Director’s report, anyone wishing to work these committees should consult the Chair for the Ad Hoc.

The Secretary will assist in making the Region’s WebEx capability available for committee use.