IEEE Region 3 Treasurers Report, 29 April 2013 Members of the R3 Excom, We are now three weeks beyond IEEE SoutheastCon 2013. Let's again thank Butch Shadwell and his team for the excellent conference. My Goal is to educate and train as many local treasurers in the use of NetSuite over the next six months. We added several more users at SEC 2013. I will continue to look for additional ways to educate those that need the information. HQ is deciding who will conduct our 2012 R3 audit. More to follow in the coming month. A copy of the R3 Budget vs Actual as of today was sent by email to the members of the ExCom. Most of our revenue has arrived for the year. Expenses are less than half expensed. I still have a few more expense reports to print, evaluate, and reimburse. New expense reports continue to arrive almost daily. Thanks, Don Hill 2013 R3 Treasurer