Volunteer Integration Process Project To: Region 3 ExCom Cc: Region 3 Committee Sb: Region 3 Volunteer Integration Process Project Report Dt: 20 January 2014 The Volunteer Integration Process (VIP) project is a new Region 3 initiative. I am serving as the Project Manager, with Dave Green as part of the team and the Project Champion. This is an important project to provide training and support to volunteers stepping into a new role. Currently, volunteers are sent an email congratulating them on their new position and providing some links to resources. The purpose of the VIP project is to take this a step further – to not duplicate what is already being done but to build upon it with more personal interaction (mentoring), utilizing lessons learned from others who have served in those roles, and proactively providing guidance to the volunteer. The plan is to determine the information needed for the new position and push that information to the volunteer. We will provide human mentoring, and include feedback and evaluation of what works for that position and what doesn’t. The goal is to have continuous improvement, drawing on lessons learned each time a volunteer steps into a new role. We also plan to have calendar support – where automatic reminders are sent about upcoming events and deadlines. We will be starting with a subset of the Region by selecting a few Sections to work with, determining the volunteer roles that need such assistance and gathering information about the responsibilities related to those roles. We will build a repository of information and a network of mentors, and a calendar-based methodology for pushing the information to the volunteers. We need team members. I believe this is a very important project that could become something used throughout IEEE. I know many volunteers in new roles who need a program like this! If you would like to be involved, please call or email me. We need people willing to serve as mentors, developers (those with the skill set to assist with some of the technical aspects of creating the repository and pushing the information out), information gatherers to help create the repository, and people with great ideas. I hope you will all consider helping out with this VIP project. Respectfully submitted, Jill I. Gostin, VIP Project Manager jgostin@ieee.org