Region 3 Area 6 Alabama/Mississippi Report for March 3, 2014 The four Area 6 Sections started 2014 in excellent positions to have a very successful year. For the first time in many years all Sections have filled the Section Officer positions. All Sections have been encouraged to approve and fund a representative to SoutheastCon 2014 and Sections Congress 2014. The Sections have been advised of the need to complete 2013 annual reporting by the early bonus deadline if possible and by the March 31st deadline at the latest. In addition, all Section Officers have been encouraged to take (or retake) the available Volunteer Position Training on the IEEE website. I was able to attend the Huntsville Section ExCom meeting on Feb 5th and took a question related to supplemental travel funding to SoutheastCon 2014 and the IEEE-USA 2014 Conference. With the assistance of John Montague I was able to provide the answer that information on IEEE-USA travel funding would be forthcoming soon. As Past Chair of the Alabama section I have attended transition meetings with the incoming Section officers and the Alabama Section ExCom meeting on January 27th. The Alabama section has had an excellent start to 2014 with 7 Section, Chapter and Affinity group meetings in January and February. On February 20th, I and other Alabama Section Officers attended the Engineering Council of Birmingham 55th Engineering Awards Banquet where IEEE Branch Chair David M. Gillespie was recognized by the University of Alabama College of Engineering as the Undergraduate Student of the Year. I look forward to SoutheastCon 2014 and have provided guidance to the Section Chairs on preparing a Section report to share with the Region at SoutheastCon. No issues have been identified needing the attention of the ExCom or Region Committee. Mark Torres Region 3 Area 6 Chair Email: mgtorres at