Proposing editorial content for the IEEE Canadian Review

The IEEE Canadian Review publishes content in either of Canada's two official languages, and sometimes both.

The magazine has two distinct editorial streams, dating back to its founding in 1988:

For technology-related articles you wish to propose, please contact:

Bruce Van-Lane
co-Editor-in-Chief, Technology Content

As general guidance on proposing technology articles, the words of the IEEE *Region 7 Director at the time of the magazine’s founding, Bob Alden, still apply today: 

The objective is to complement the ‘explanation of technology’ articles that are the mainstay of [IEEE] Spectrum with articles that describe engineering projects and challenges, or that explore related fields of interest in a Canadian perspective.” 

Over the years, there have been many forms our technology-related content has taken; for samples of previously published articles, please browse through our past issues.

*Since this time, IEEE Region 7 has evolved into what we now call IEEE Canada. Within Canada, the organization is governed by a Board of Directors whose chair is the President of IEEE Canada. It also is a constituent society of the Engineering Institute of Canada. In addition, it remains an organizational unit of IEEE, and is represented by its President on the parent body’s Board of Directors. 

The IEEE Canadian Review was a key building block in the formal creation of IEEE Canada, serving to help reinforce the uniqueness of IEEE membership in this country. It still plays this important role today.

IEEE Canadian Review La revue canadienne de l'IEEE

Last update / 2014-10-31 / la dernière mise à jour