Issue: December 2007
IEEE Canada News Central
  A Happy Holiday Season and Merry Christmas!
News of Interest
IEEE Canada Board of Directors
2007 Fall IEEE Canada Board of Directors Meeting
IEEE Canada Educational Webinars
2008 Membership Renewal is Underway
Section Events
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Toronto
Inauguration of Ottawa Life Member Affinity Group
IEEE Toronto Section 2007 Annual General Meeting and Awards Dinner
The 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - CCECE08
The Sixth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR2008)
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS)
Upcoming IEEE Conferences in Canada
Awards & Recognition
IEEE Canada Members Elected to the Grade of IEEE Fellows - Class of 2008
o Kenneth Cadien, IEEE-F, Edmonton, Alberta
o Timothy Driscoll, IEEE-F, Calgary, Alberta
o Ling Guan, IEEE-F, Toronto, Ontario
o Vincent Hayward, IEEE-F, Montreal, Quebec
o Shesha Jayaram, IEEE-F, Waterloo, Ontario
o Bogdan Kasztenny, IEEE-F, Markham, Ontario
o Jorg Liebeherr, IEEE-F, Toronto, Ontario
o Yvon Savaria, IEEE-F, Montreal, Quebec
o Ivan Stojmenovic, IEEE-F, Ottawa, Ontario
o Bin Wu, IEEE-F, Toronto, Ontario
o En-hui Yang, IEEE-F, Waterloo, Ontario
o Weihua Zhuang, IEEE-F, Waterloo, Ontario
Senior Member Upgrades
Newly Elected IEEE Senior Member Featured in this Issue
o Gladimir Baranoski
o Ramesh Abhari
o Owen Kaser
o Kui Wu
2007 RAB GOLD Achievement Award
Engineering Professor Inducted Fellow of The Canadian Academy of Engineering
- Launches Updated Search Portal
IEEE Launches Internet Television
IEEE Communications Society Offers Free Educational Seminar
Register for IEEE Online Training Seminars
Free Microsoft Development Software for Student Members
IEEE Expert Now Pilot Program Enables Members To Earn Free Continuing Education Units
Nominations Sought for IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
Call for IEEE Fellow Nominations
Newly Redesigned IEEE Job Site!
Special Offer for Canadian Employers. Post Your Open Position on the IEEE Job Site Free of Charge*!
Post Your Internship and Co-op Jobs on the IEEE Job Site at No Charge
Non-IEEE News
Engineers Canada - New Name, Same Services
Internationally Educated Engineers: Licensed, Mobile, Employable
Message from the Editor
Farewell, but Not Goodbye
News of Interest
IEEE Canada Board of Directors
2007 Fall IEEE Canada Board of Directors Meeting
IEEE Canada Fall 2007 Board of Directors meeting was held at the Delta St. John's Hotel and Conference Centre in St. John's, Newfoundland, on October 19 - 21. Representatives from all Canadian IEEE Sections reviewed current activities and discussed strategic plans to enhance organization's performance.
Report from the hosting section - IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section.
From October 19-21, St. John's was the
host city for the IEEE Canada Board
(Region 7) fall meeting. Under the
leadership of Dr. Robert Hanna, the voting members of the Board are
composed of Section Chairs or representatives from each Section in
Canada, Member Services Chair, Publications and Communications Chair, External Relations Chair, and
Treasurer. There were others in attendance observing the meeting and
contributing to discussions including representatives from Sections and
Groups as well as from other Regions and the IEEE International
headquarters in Piscataway, NJ. The Board meets twice a year, once
in the spring immediately before the Canadian Conference for Electrical
and Computer Engineering (CCECE) and again in the fall.  Kathleen Chafe
represented the Section as the voting member from
Newfoundland and
Labrador. Others
from the Section who participated
in the meetings and events over the weekend
were Lori Hogan, Gerard Dunphy,
Octavia Dobre, Brian Kidney, and
Dennis Peters. We wanted to give
the attendees a taste of
Newfoundland hospitality and the unique
nightlife just steps away from the Delta host hotel. We hosted a very
entertaining screech-in ceremony for over 40 attendees and partners at
Christian's Pub. We were also very pleased to have the opportunity to
screech-in our Awards and Scholarships Chair, Octavia Dobre! After the
kissing of the codfish we went to Bridie Molloy's where all enjoyed the
excellent music by the local band The Navigators.
Our caucus meeting on Saturday
consisted of Officer, Section, Group, and
visitor reports. Highlights
included a presentation on concentrated banking
advantages by the IEEE Investment
Group from
Piscataway, an overview
Region 5 activities from the
Region 5 Director, as well as discussions regarding
financial support and
participation for Sections Congress 2008 in
Quebec City.
We reviewed our healthy financial
status for 2007 and proposed plans for 2008. A banquet was held Saturday
Our business meeting was held on
the final day, Sunday. The Board approved a new annual IEEE Canada
conference - the Electrical Power Conference, which
was originally started in Ottawa
Section and then moved to
Montreal in 2007,
the host city for 2008 will be
We also approved our 2008 budget as well as regional funding support formulas
for Section delegates to travel to Sections Congress
The next Regional meeting will be
held in
Falls May 2-4, 2008.
IEEE Canada Educational Webinars
IEEE Canada Education Activity Committee started a new initiative in 2007 to provide IEEE members with Educational services at minimum cost to the members.
The focus is on providing Seminars on Soft Skills that every engineer needs. To be cost effective the Education Activity Committee organized a pilot project to provide
Leadership training Seminar delivered through a web based interface (Webinar). The webinar was run in April 2007 with high success. There were more than 150 attendees. Everyone enjoyed the presentation provided by Celia Desmond (President of World Class Telecommunication).
The success of the first webinar led to the development and organization of a series of webinars on Project Management.
The first in that series was organized and run in October 2007 and provided an Introduction to Project Management. The second in the same series was organized and run
in November 2007 on Advanced Topics on Project Management (Project Control and The Human Aspects). Both webinar were highly attended (more than 120 attendees).
Slides from both webinars can be found at
If you have any suggestion on specific topic that should be considered please forward your suggestions to the IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair, Dr. Saman Adham (Email:
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Dr. Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair
2008 Membership Renewal is Underway
Don't let your membership lapse. To renew and take advantage of 2008 member benefits and services, renew online at
or call +1 800 678 4333 (USA and Canada) or +1 732 981 0600 (worldwide) between 8 AM and 6 PM ET, Monday through Friday.
Membership fees for the year 2008 are considerably lower then for the previous years because of the strong Canadian dollar.
If we have not heard from you as of 31 December, your member benefits and services will be suspended, so please take a moment to renew now.
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IEEE Engineering
in Medicine and Biology Society
Here is the formula for learning
and networking, brought to you by the
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society
4 exceptional
100 attendees from academia and
150+ glasses of
10+ platters of cheese and
appetizers = one
great wine and cheese event
Click photos to
On October 30, 2007, the IEEE EMBS
Toronto hosted its 2nd annual wine
and cheese event. We welcomed the following
exceptional speakers:
Dr. Alistair Glass, Ontario Deputy
Minister of Research and Innovation
Neil Fraser, President of
Medtronic of
Kris Shah, Vice-President of
Baylis Medical Company
Klaus Stitz, Head of Regulatory
Affairs, MEDEC
The attendees learned much about
the direction of innovation and the
biomedical industry in
Benjamin Mak
Inauguration of Ottawa Life
Member Affinity Group
The Ottawa Section Life Member
Affinity Group was officially inaugurated on Oct. 4, 2007 at a very
successful founding meeting at the NRC sponsored by the IEEE Ottawa
A big thanks goes to Ron Potts, Dr.
Hussein Mouftah, Dr. Branislav Djokic and all who participated in the
meeting. The meeting was opened by Dr. Husein Mouftah and welcomed by the
Section Chair Dr.
Almuhtadi and followed by election then concluded by Ron
Potts with his very interesting presentation on Ontario Hydro Tunnel
Project. David Coll was elected Chair and John Wilson Vice Chair for the
Ottawa Section Life Member Affinity Group . There were 18
Ottawa life members
as well as the Section Chair and Past Chair attending. Dr. Hussein Mouftah
was the Organizing Chair.
IEEE Toronto
Section 2007 Annual General Meeting and Awards Dinner
IEEE Toronto Section AGM was
held on October 27. This annual event is an opportunity for IEEE Toronto
Section members to meet each other as well as the dedicated group of IEEE
volunteers who give of their time to plan, organize and execute the wide
range of programs offered within the Section and elsewhere in
Guest Speaker this year was
Dr. Ron Dembo - Founder and CEO of ZeroFootprint,
a Toronto, Ontario-based organization created to fight global warming by
mitigating the environmental impacts of businesses and individuals as well
as build a marketplace for people worldwide to engage in sustainable
Dr. Alagan Anpalagan, Section
Chair reported on the past year's activities and presented a variety of
awards and recognitions.
A Photographic
Record of the evening (click
photos to enlarge)
Speech by Ron Dembo
B. Hanna
(IEEE Canada President), A. Anpalagan (Section Chair), R. Dembo
(Keynote Speaker)
Anpalagan provides yearly   update
Hanna addressing the audience
Hanna recognized for his exemplary service, with Past IEEE President
Ray Findlay
Bob Hanna with Benjamin Mak
(Chair, EMBS Chapter)
Officers for 2008-09 (Wai Tung Ng, Alex Bot, Marcelo Mota, Pelle
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21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
May 4 - 7,
You are invited to participate in the 21st Annual Canadian Conference on Electrical
and Computer Engineering (CCECE) to be held in Sheraton Fallsview in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. The venue, the city of Niagara Falls with more than 15 million visitors annually is abundant of activities that are bound to entertain people of all ages and walks of life. Niagara Falls is located 125 km southeast of Toronto City and 27 km north of Buffalo City, New York. Niagara Falls often said to be the honeymoon capital of the world,
features most popular falls that are spectacular wonders of the world and
provide breathtaking views. |
 Dr. Sri Krishnan,
Conference Chair
CCECE ( is a flagship conference for
researchers, students, and practicing engineers in the area of Electrical and Computer Engineering from Canada and around the world to meet annually for 3 to 4 days in a Canadian city to present the latest technological advancements and discoveries, to network and exchange ideas, to strengthen existing partnerships and foster new collaborations.
 Dr. Alagan Anpalagan,
Technical Program
CCECE 2008 will feature 8 mini-symposia covering all areas of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, tutorial sessions in leading topics, plenary talks from senior executives in industry and academia, around 90 technical sessions, special sessions in hot topics, social programs, IEEE Canada Awards and Banquet night, best student paper awards luncheon, and industrial exhibitions.
You can participate in CCECE 2008 in many ways: by submitting your original
research results as a full length technical paper, by submitting tutorial proposals, by organizing a special session, and by attending the plenary talks, tutorials, panel discussions and nearly 90 technical sessions planned for May 4 to May 7, 2008.
Information on submission of technical papers, tutorial proposals, special sessions proposals are in the weblinks of the main conference website
|  Dr. Bob Dony,
Technical Program
The deadline to receive papers and tutorial proposals are December 7, 2007. We look forward for your enthusiastic participation in the conference.
Best wishes,
CCECE'08 Organizing Committee
The Sixth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR2008)
May 5 - 8, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
This annual conference is
jointly sponsored by
University, University of
Brunswick (UNB), Université de Moncton (UdeM) and
the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency's (ACOA) Atlantic Innovation Fund
The proceedings from
CNSR2008 will be archived through the IEEE Digital Library.
Technical papers
describing original research in the field of communication networks and
services are invited. Topics and areas to be presented at the conference
are listed below. However, papers outside these areas are also welcome
with a requirement that they describe current original work in the fields
described, either theoretical or applied and have not been published
elsewhere. Both industrial and academic contributions are invited.
- Ad Hoc Networks
- Adaptive Web Systems
- Antenna Systems
- Architectures for Voice/Data Services
- Broadband Wireless Networks
- Communication Algorithms
- Communication Systems
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Data Mining
- Digital Broadcast Technologies
- Emerging Communication Technologies
- Emerging Web Technologies
- Intelligent Transceiving Architectures
- Intrusion Detection Systems
- Mobility in Communication Systems
- Network Management
- Network Security
- Optical Networks
- Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
- Protocol Design
- Quality of Service in Communication Systems
- Radio Propagation
- Sensor Networks
- Signal Processing for Communications
- Software Radio
- Space-Time Coding and Decoding
- Traffic Engineering and Modelling
- Ultra-Wide Band
- Voice Over IP
- Web Information Management
- Web Services
- Wireless Security
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS)
The 2008 International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) will be held in Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 26 - 28, 2008.
ISTAS is the annual symposium of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (link).
The theme for ISTAS 08 is: Citizens, Groups, Communities and Information and Communication Technologies.
ISTAS 08 will be a multi-disciplinary event for researchers in engineering, computer science, social sciences, arts and humanities; as well as community-based researchers, policy makers and technology user communities. Papers and discussions will address both the social and technical aspects of the specific topics.
For the call for papers and further information, visit
Upcoming IEEE
Conferences in
All IEEE Conferences in
Canada - please use
this link.
Back to Top
Awards & Recognition
IEEE Canada Members Elected to the Grade of IEEE Fellows - Class of 2008.
IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a
person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE
fields of interest. A brief citation is issued to new Fellows describing
their accomplishments and the total number selected in any one year does
not exceed one-tenth percent of the total voting Institute membership.
Congratulations on your
technical achievements!
Kenneth Cadien,
IEEE-F, Edmonton, Alberta for contributions to chemical
mechanical polishing
Timothy Driscoll, IEEE-F, Calgary,
Alberta for leadership in the development of codes and standards
for electrical safety in industry
Ling Guan, IEEE-F,
Toronto, Ontario for contributions to image and multimedia signal
Vincent Hayward, IEEE-F, Montreal, Quebec
for contributions to robot manipulator programming and the
development of haptics interface technology
Shesha Jayaram,
IEEE-F, Waterloo, Ontario for contributions to the use of high
voltage in process technology
Bogdan Kasztenny, IEEE-F,
Markham, Ontario for contributions to protective relaying methods,
designs, and applications
Jorg Liebeherr, IEEE-F, Toronto,
Ontario for contributions to the design and analysis of computer
networks and their protocols
Yvon Savaria, IEEE-F,
Montreal, Quebec for contributions to the development of long
interconnect VLSI signal processing architectures
Stojmenovic, IEEE-F, Ottawa, Ontario for contributions to data
communication algorithms and protocols for wireless sensor and ad hoc
Bin Wu, IEEE-F, Toronto, Ontario for
contributions to high-power converter technology and adjustable speed
En-hui Yang, IEEE-F,
Waterloo, Ontario for contributions to source coding
Weihua Zhuang, IEEE-F,
Waterloo, Ontario for contributions to mobile communications and
complete list of all Canadian IEEE Fellows by year of elevation is
the IEEE Canada web site at
Senior Member Upgrades
TThe following members were upgraded to Senior Member status at the October 2007 IEEE Admission and Advancement Panel meeting.
Newly Elected IEEE Senior Member Featured in this Issue
holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of
Canada (1998). The main topic of his
doctorate was the development of reflectance and scattering models for
plants. As a postdoctoral fellow at the
University of
Utah, he continued to
work on the modeling and rendering of natural phenomena. He is
currently a faculty member at the
School of
Computer Science,
University of Waterloo,
His current research interests
include predictive simulation of natural phenomena and biophysically-based
rendering. The results of his research have been made available to the
graphics community as well as related fields, such as remote
sensing, engineering and biomedicine, through the publication of articles
in journals and conference proceedings.
Ramesh Abhari
Montreal Section
Ramesh received her Ph.D. degree in
Electrical and Computer Engineering from
University of
Canada in
2002. Since June 2003, she has been with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering,
Canada, as
an Assistant Professor. She has served as the chairperson of IEEE Toronto
Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT), Antennas and Propagation (AP) and
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) joint chapter for five years and has
received certificates of recognition and the IEEE Toronto Centennial Medal
at this position. She is the founder and the current chair of IEEE
Montreal Component Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Chapter
and has been the technical chapter coordinator since summer
Dr. Abhari has published over 30
journal and conference papers. She pioneered the application of the
electromagnetic bandgap structures in suppression of the power/ground
noise and received the student paper award at the IEEE International
Microwave Symposium in June 2002 for this work.
Brunswick Section
Owen joined The
University of New Brunswick (Saint John campus) as a faculty
member in 1993, after completing a Ph.D. in CS at SUNY-Stony
Brook. His dissertation title was Computational Aspects of
Inlining. Prior to that, he worked for Telcor Systems Corp.
Mass., as a hardware engineer, when
Telcor was producing modems and data compression/encryption units. Owen
also holds a MS in CS from Stony Brook (1987), and a BCS (specialized in
hardware systems) (1986) from Acadia
University in
Professor, Department of Computer Science,
University of
- Wireless mobile ad hoc networks: routing and
MAC protocols, energy efficiency.
- Wireless sensor networks: energy efficiency,
protocols tailored for sensor networks, network management,
- Network security: intrusion detection,
- Other topics: QoS, location management,
network management architecture and
- To check on the status of Senior Member applications:
- For the Nominate a Senior Member Initiative:
- To check how your Region, Section or Society is doing on
Senior Member
elevations and nominations:
Achievement Award
Wong has been selected as a 2007 recipient of the RAB GOLD Achievement
Award. The selection was made by the IEEE RAB Awards &
Recognition Committee and approved by the IEEE Regional Activities
Board during today (17 November 2007) meeting. This award
carries the following citation:
Outstanding contributions and dedication towards membership retention by
establishing GOLD activities, and exemplary leadership in the GOLD 10th
Anniversary. Project.
Hanna, IEEE Canada President congratulated
sincere congratulations on your achievements and recognition. I wish all
the best in your post graduate work.
Verona Wong is a Product
Verification Engineer at PMC-Sierra, Inc. based in
Currently she has two IEEE
volunteer positions: IEEE RAB GOLD Vice-Chair and EEE RAB GOLD
Representative to EAB.
Describe shortly something that
you did as a volunteer that you are proud of. I am particularly proud to
have inspired GOLD members and students to become more involved in
professional development.
How has IEEE prepared you for your
workplace? IEEE
gave me leadership experience and opportunities to see how a large
business organization implements changes.
What do you find unique about
Dynamics and Energy of IEEE volunteers.
Why did you continue
I acquire new skills, make new friends, and I know I am making a
Professor Inducted Fellow of The Canadian
Academy of
Guyanese-born Dr. M. Jamal Deen,
professor of electrical and computer engineering and Senior Canada
Research Chair in Information Technology at McMaster University, has been
elected Fellow of The Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE). The CAE is
one of the three member Academies of the Council of Canadian Academies,
the other two being the Royal Society of Canada (to which he was elected a
Fellow in 2006) and the Canadian Academies of Health Sciences. The Academy
is an active member of the international Council of Academies of
Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS), which involves 24 other
leading countries.
Academy of Engineering citation
states "Professor M. Jamal Deen of McMaster University is an international
leader in microelectronics and optoelectronics and one of the world’s
foremost engineering scientists. His eminence in research is based on the
powerful models he has developed for the accurate analysis and design of
high-performance semiconductor devices and circuits, and the experimental
techniques he has innovated to study important device properties. A highly
accomplished researcher, inventor and a prolific scholar, his device
models and experimental innovations are used worldwide. He is also noted
for his mentoring of engineers and scientists, his competency and
proficiency as a teacher, and his effectiveness in technology transfer to
This year’s Fellows were recently
inducted at a ceremony held in
Toronto on Friday 1 June 2007.
Dr. M. Jamal Deen is currently the
Solid-State Editor of IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices and Editor for
the IEEE Electron Device Society's Newsletter for Regions 7 and 4
Canada and
Central USA). He is also an elected AdCom Member of
the IEEE EDS, a Member of the Electron Device Society and a member of the
following IEEE Electron Device Society Committees - Compact Modeling,
Optoelectronics, Education and Education Awards. Previous to this, he
served as Awards Chair of the IEEE Vancouver Section. He is an active
reviewer of about 9 IEEE journals and numerous IEEE-sponsored
Dr. Jamal Deen is also a Fellow of
the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), a Fellow
of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), a Fellow of the Engineering
Institute of Canada (EIC), and a Fellow of the
Institute of
Electrical and
Electronic Engineers (IEEE). In addition, he was elected to Honorary
Membership of the World Innovation Foundation (WIF), the Foundation's
highest honor.
Back to Top
Launches Updated Search Portal, the free, federated
search portal created by leading science and technology scholarly
societies removed its beta label on 16 October, marking the launch of its
official service. Beta was opened in June 2007, allowing
users to test the site and provide feedback for improving the search
portal. Since the initial beta release, has refined the
cross-file searching that occurs with multiple content partners and
modified the interface based on user feedback. The result is a simple and
flexible interface, capable of providing reliable retrievals from over
three million documents - primarily peer-reviewed journal content and
conference proceedings -spanning more than 150 years of scholarship. is a product of the
imagination and collaboration of 15 leading science and technology
societies: Acoustical Society of America, American Geophysical Union;
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; American Institute of
Physics; American Physical Society; American Society of Civil Engineers;
American Society of Mechanical Engineers; AVS, ECS; IEEE; Institute of
Physics Publishing; Optical Society of America; Society of Automotive
Engineers; Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics; and SPIE.
IEEE Launches
Internet Television IEEE officially launched
on 27 September 2007. is an Internet-based television network
featuring targeted programming on technology and engineering produced by
IEEE members. First launched as a beta site in August 2006,
includes programs available to the general public, along with special
programming that can only be viewed by IEEE members. Improved features
include a "flash" video format, a list of "most viewed" and "recently
added" videos, and different options for RSS feeds, enabling Internet
syndication. Additional features, available only to IEEE members, include
downloadable videos and personalization options.
To learn more about the programs
available from, please visit the website.
IEEE is also on YouTube, with
hundreds of videos from IEEE members about the evolution of IEEE, the
history of engineering, recordings from IEEE conferences or competitions
and much more. See videos
Additionally, you can keep
up-to-date with the University Partnership Program's (UPP) recent events
by checking out its Flickr photo
page - updated regularly with pictures from UPP events
around the country.
Communications Society Offers Free Educational Seminar Each month, the IEEE
Communications Society provides a selection of free tutorials to IEEE
members - a valuable opportunity. Each tutorial reviews current topics in
network management, computer and wireless communications. The tutorials,
which are two and a half to five hours in length, contain the original
visuals and a voice-over by the presenter. This month's featured tutorial
is a presentation on "Software Radio Implementation for MIMO/OFDM High
Speed Wireless LAN/MAN" by Weidong Xiang of the
University of
The tutorial offers fundamental and helpful information for development
engineers, system engineers, technical managers, and graduate students who
are interested in the promising wireless parallel transmission
technologies. Learn
Register for IEEE
Online Training Seminars Don't forget to register for
IEEE's online training seminar, "Searching with IEEE Xplore®", scheduled for 29 November 2007
at 10 A.M. (EST). The online tutorial provides existing and potential
customers with free demonstrations, including tips on how to search in the
IEEE Xplore digital library. Advance
registration is required and space is limited, so please sign
up early. Customized tutorials are also available. Please
contact for more information on
designing a training seminar to fit your
Free Microsoft
Development Software for Student Members
Computer Society student members
will enjoy a terrific new member benefit. Starting in 2008, student
members may access free development software from Microsoft—a $3000 value
alone—as long as it is used for research or educational purposes. Software
includes Vista Business, Visual Studio, Expression Web Designer, and much
more. Visit for more details.
IEEE Expert Now courses are
available for use by IEEE Regions, Sections, and
IEEE Expert Now Section-Chapter Program. The
program, which began as a pilot in 2006,
helps local IEEE volunteers organize an event where attendees can view one
or more IEEE Expert Now course(s) and discuss the materials with a local
expert on that topic.
There is no charge for
participating in this program in 2007, and IEEE Regions, Sections
and Chapters who do participate this
year will have the ability to award Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to
event participants free of charge. IEEE Regions, Sections and Chapters
interested in participating will work directly with IEEE Educational
Activities (EA) Staff to organize the event. IEEE EA Staff provides access
to the selected course(s), can make recommendations or provide “best
practices” for organizing the event, can provide surveys for attendees’
feedback and CEUs to attendees who return completed
For more information visit the
IEEE Expert Now Section-Chapter Program Web site at
Web page or send a message to
Reprinted from:
SOCIETY SENTINEL 12 September 2007 (2007-09-12) - Vol. 12, No.
Sought for IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
The deadline to nominate someone
for the IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award is 31 January. The award is presented for
outstanding early- to midcareer contributions to technologies holding the
promise of innovative applications. The recipient is awarded a bronze
medal, a certificate, and a cash honorarium. For nomination forms, visit
the IEEE Awards Web Site at
Call for IEEE Fellow Nominations
Nominations are being accepted for
the IEEE Fellows class of 2009. The rank of IEEE Fellow is the
Institute’s highest member grade, bestowed on IEEE senior members who have
contributed “to the advancement or application of engineering, science and
technology.” The deadline for nominations is 1 March 2008.
Senior members can be nominated in
one of four categories: application engineer/practitioner, research
engineer/scientist, educator or technical leader.
The Fellows Web site contains
additional information on the nomination process including access to the
Fellows Nomination Kit, lists of Fellows who may be available as
references as well as the history of the IEEE Fellows program. For more
information visit the Fellows Web site.
So You Want to Nominate an IEEE
Do you know an IEEE senior member
you want to nominate for IEEE Fellow? To make the process a little bit
easier, we've added a guide to help you understand how to complete this
task. Read on at
IEEE Canada
Formed a Fellow Nomination Assist Committee
Dr. Bob Hanna, President IEEE
Canada has set up a committee to help IEEE Canada members with the Fellow
Member grade nominations. The objectives of the Fellow Nomination Assist
Committee are:
- Assist in Fellow Nomination
- Review nomination form and
provide guidance
- Assist in finding Fellow Member
The members of the Fellow
Nomination Assist Committee are:
- Dr. Mo El-Hawary, Area East,
- Dr. Ray Findlay, Area Centre,
- Dr. Om Malik, Area West,
A power point presentation giving
a brief description of the Fellow Grade and the nomination process is
being placed on the IEEE Canada website for the information of the
Newly Redesigned
IEEE Job Site!
Come visit the Newly Redesigned
IEEE Job Site! Features you're sure to visit time and time again: -
Read the latest news from The Wall Street Journal's - Take our poll on this month's hot
Check it out at: Send us your
feedback at
 Special Offer for Canadian Employers
Post Your Open Position on the IEEE Job Site Free of Charge*!
The IEEE Job Site connects you with senior-level managers, top engineers and technology experts in every sector - the leaders shaping innovation and business.
Make job offers to these top-notch candidates before your competitors know about them - free of charge*!
The IEEE Job Site:
· Focuses on a potential audience of more than 2,000,000 engineers, tech professionals and senior-level managers worldwide
· Delivers your postings instantly to registered IEEE members
· Pre-qualifies candidates electronically within minutes
Prescreens job seekers with an interactive profile feature to identify the most qualified candidates for your unique requirements
Provides resumes matched to your needs quickly and cost-effectively
Join the hiring managers at more than 3,000 leading corporations - in fields ranging from ASIC design to aerospace and defense system development - that use the IEEE Job Site -
If you have any questions, e-mail at
*One free post per company referred by an IEEE Member
Post Your
Internship and Co-op Jobs on the IEEE Job Site at NO
The IEEE Job Site has been
offering free job posts to employers for Internship and Co-op positions
within their organizations.
We now have over 20 internships and co-op jobs live on the Job Site
and more are being added daily.
For details please visit
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Canada — New Name, Same
The engineering profession in
Canada has begun a new chapter
in its history; the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) will
now be known as Engineers Canada.
Canada will continue to work in the same
areas as CCPE has for the past 71 years: promoting
Canada’s engineering profession; setting
and assessing engineering education standards; facilitating the mobility
of engineers within
Canada and negotiating international
agreements; as well as coordinating the development of practice standards
Canada. The new business name, however,
captures the energy of today’s engineer and better reflects the
profession’s dynamic nature.
“Engineering has changed over the
last twenty years,” says Tony Dawe, P.Eng., President of Engineers
Canada. “Technical skills are
key but so too are team work, negotiation skills, problem solving and
creativity. It is important
that our business name reflects who we are today.”
Through its members, the
provincial and territorial engineering licensing bodies, Engineers Canada
will continue to represent all
engineers, from agricultural engineers to water resources engineers and
all disciplines in between.
“We respect the history of our
previous name and so we wanted to be sure that we understood our members’
perspectives on changing it,” says Chief Executive Officer Marie Lemay,
P.Eng., ing. “In the end, we were glad to find support for creating a new,
memorable name that we know will help us promote engineering and thus help
improve Canadians’ quality of life, health and economic
Educated Engineers: Licensed,
Of the thousands of immigrants
arriving in
Canada annually, many identify
themselves as engineers. In 2001, of the 44 percent of skilled workers who
identified an intended occupation at the time of immigration, 63 percent
indicated engineering. These
international engineering graduates may be seasoned engineering
professionals, recent engineering graduates or have worked in jobs that
would be considered technologist, technician, architect or scientist
positions in
Canada. Regardless of which
group they fall into, some arrive in
Canada expecting to begin work
as engineers but are unable to find engineering employment.
The Canadian engineering
profession has updated its licensing system to help the international
engineering graduates integrate into the workforce and profession without
compromising public safety or lowering professional standards. At the provincial / territorial
level, examples include a new way of assessing academic qualifications in
Saskatchewan that eliminated their
backlog of applicants and a new method of assessing experience in
Brunswick that reduced applicants’ waiting time.
Manitoba, applicants with more than 10
years of experience can do an interview as part of their academic
assessment and thus not have to write exams, while in
Ontario, new
Canadian who apply for licensing within six months of their landing date,
can do so at no cost.
At the national level, Engineers
Canada (Engineers Canada is the business name of the Canadian Council of
Professional Engineers) is leading the establishment of an
accurate, current database of recognized international degrees and
institutions to be used consistently by the provincial and territorial
licensing bodies. It is expected that the database will reduce duplication
of effort, resulting in a reduced processing time for international
engineering graduates’ applications.
Canadian companies make hiring
decisions every day. Each is
looking for the best minds in the country to help build their businesses,
expand knowledge and solve problems.
That person may be an engineer, licensed in
Canada but trained
internationally. Licensed
international engineering graduates are assessed to the same standards as
each of
Canada’s 160,000 professional
engineers, and they are mobile, able to work in any part of the
country. Employers can hire
these professionals with confidence, knowing that having a P.Eng. (or
ing.) license means that the Canadian engineering system has validated
their academic qualifications, experience and
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Message from the Editor - Farewell, but Not Goodbye
Dear Colleagues,
As my term of office comes to an end, December 2007 issue is the last one I'm sending to you. It has been a privilege to serve as Editor of the IEEE Canada Newsletter since 2006. It has also been a rewarding experience to interact on a regular basis with members of the IEEE Canada Board of Directors and a great number of enthusiastic Canadian IEEE volunteers. I thank you all for your interest in the newsletter, cooperation and assistance.
I enjoyed my work a great deal and I am happy to see that the Newsletter experienced improvements in many aspects. I do urge the membership to continue support the Newsletter by submitting materials of regional interest.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Bob Hanna, IEEE Canada President, for his guidance and sustained support. My gratitude to Dr. Bob Alden and Dr. Vijay Sood. Their critique and comments have been incisive and always helpful. Special thanks go to Lena Jin, Newsletter Webmaster, for her remarkable efforts.
I am thrilled about my next volunteer opportunity, and look forward to serving engineering community in the role of Chair, IEEE Toronto Section.
Best Regards,
Alex Bot, Ph.D., PMP, CMSP, SMIEEE
Vice Chair, IEEE Toronto Section
Editor, IEEE Canada Newsletter
GS Research & Consulting
Toronto, Ontario E-mail:
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Events –
Events –
The Sixth Annual Conference on
Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR2008)
May 5 - 8,
Energy Efficient Data
Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks
December 3,
Events – Montréal
Events –
New Brunswick
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS 08)
June 26-28, 2008
Fredericton, Nouveau Brunswick
Events –
Events – Toronto
The 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - CCECE08
May 4 - 7, 2008, Niagara Falls, Ontario
Events –
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Many IEEE Canada sections
maintain their own listings of upcoming events:
more IEEE conferences, visit IEEE Conference Search at
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can send any submissions by email to the editor:
Alex Bot at
Please ensure you send in your submission by the 20th of the
Editorial Team
Editor |
Alex Bot, Consultant, GS Research & Consulting |
Associate Editor |
Alain Houle, Professor, Sherbrooke University |
Webmaster |
Lena Jin, Sr. Applications Engineer, Silicon Optix Inc |