IEEE Benefits Session '15

IEEE Benefits Session Talk dated on August 17th 2015

An event on “IEEE Benefits� was conducted by the IEEE Student Branch, Jeppiaar Institute of Technology on 17-08-2015 (Monday). The event was presided over by Mr Vijay Srinivas (IEEE JIT SB Chair) primarily targeting the inactive pre final year IEEE members. He started with an introduction on IEEE and asked the students the cause of joining IEEE and regarding their thoughts about IEEE. He asked the problems faced by his fellow members and the reason for their inactivity, and assured that he will work his best on solving the issues.

The students got to know about various things that are available in IEEE like the different societies, contests, online digital library, creating a resume, creating an IEEE Email alias, etc. He gave them ideas on how to stay as an active member in IEEE. He then shared his interesting experiences with IEEE. He gave a detailed talk on how he got into IEEE, what are the benefits he had gained by attending various events and about the skill of volunteering and how things have changed in his student life. He also inspired the students to attend events outside and open up a door of opportunities through IEEE. It was a very interactive session. The students who interacted well were given IEEE Goodies.

If you have any ideas in hosting a event or intreseted in any event mail us at: or use the contact form.