Inauguration of IEEE CS and RAS chapter

Inauguration of IEEE CS and RAS chapter on 08th August, 2016

The grand Inauguration of IEEE CS and RAS chapter in Jeppiaar Institute of Technology is started at 11.00 am on 08-08-2016, with the IEEE Code of Ethics where the IEEE Computer Society and Robotics and Automation members took the oath. It is then followed by lightening of kuthuvilaku by our Director Dr.N.Marie Wilson and the Chief Guest Dr.P.A.Manoharan (Chairman – RAS madras Section) and the Chairman of Computer Society and Robotics and Automation Society. Then the Chief Guest was felicitated with memento and a shawl by our Director. It is then followed by New Execom Ascension of both IEEE Computer Society and Robotics and Automation Society. The Certificates were distributed to the New Execom members by the Chief Guest. There was marvellous speech delivered by Mr. Benin Vijo David S, newly elected Chairman of IEEE RAS and Ms. Chandraleka, newly elected Chairman of CS. They assured that this student branch would remain active in Madras section and requested all the department students should participate in IEEE CS and RAS. They assured that there will be more events in IEEE CS and RAS chapter of JIT IEEE SB every month and requested all members to participate actively.

Then Special Speech was given by our Director. He advised the students to read many articles, newsletter, journals and magazines from IEEE and suggested the student members to prepare newsletter every month. It’s then followed by the Speech of our Chief Guest who shared more information about Robotics and Computer Society. The event ended with a Vote of Thanks and a Photo session with our Director, Chief Guest, Faculty coordinator and the committee members.

If you have any ideas in hosting a event or intreseted in any event mail us at: or use the contact form.