IEEE Awareness Session '15

IEEE Awareness Session for Freshers Talk dated on August 28th 2015

IEEE JIT Student Branch organized an awareness session on IEEE for the first years of Jeppiaar Institute of Technology. The session was delivered by the final year and the pre final year students. The speakers shared their personal experiences in IEEE and emphasized on the benefits of IEEE student members. The speakers included: SB Chair, Secretary, Editorial Lead, WIE Chair, Webmaster and few vibrant pre final year SB volunteers. The session dragged the interest of many first year students. It was a very interactive session and the students who interacted actively were given IEEE Goodies.

Speakers: Vijay Srinivas S, Yeleshetty Deepak, Hemasri R, Sheetal Mary A, Jamal Mohamed H, Vignesh S, Gayathri B and Abinash K

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