Multimedia PresentatioN dated on January 10th 2017

The IEEE student branch Computer society of Jeppiaar Institute of Technology has organised an event “MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION� on 10-01-2017 at 10:00 AM. The Session was started by Ms.Sonali.B, Event Organiser of JIT IEEE SB CS society, by giving a warm welcome to the Chief Guest & Panel Examining Members Dr.Senthil Magesh P.C (HOD of CSE Department, JIT) and Mr.R.Annamalai (HOD of IT Department, JIT). Later students of second year initiated the event by presentation.

The students from various departments were participated in that event. This presentation is based on the topic “RECENT TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGIES�. The presentation was started with the chief guest .Totally 21 teams attended the presentation. Among those teams three teams were selected as the runners and winners. The event ended with a Vote of Thanks and talk by the final year student Mr.Vignesh.S regarding how useful this participation and winning in an event and how it will be useful for the placement. Overall it was an interesting and interactive session. The session concluded by taking photographs.

If you have any ideas in hosting a event or intreseted in any event mail us at: or use the contact form.