Basics Of Photoshop And Graphics Design

Basics Of Photoshop And Graphics Design Dated on 02nd August, 2016

The IEEE student branch of Jeppiaar Institute of Technology has organized one day workshop on the “Basics of Photoshop and Graphics Design� by the Final year IEEE students on 02-08-2016.The Session was started by Mr. Silambrasan.N,Webmaster of JIT IEEE SB and Mr. Susheel, Event Organiser of JIT IEEE SB. Initially, they handed over the software required for the session and installed the software. After launching the software, the session began with explanation about the basic tools of Adobe Photoshop. Brief description about various tools is given first. Demo about the tools practice session was given to students. Then they discussed about the various hacks needed for better editing in Photoshop. Students had sufficient time to work on the tools and they also clarified their doubts.

Following session was carried over by Mr. Jamal Mohammad, Chairman of JIT IEEE SB. His session was about designing posters and information about graphic images. Students easily learnt to design posters and the cover page of Magazines. He also taught about Shapes that are used for designing posters and banners. Then he also showed some examples about the information about graphic style. Overall it was an interesting and interactive session. The session concluded by taking photographs.

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