Robotics Workshop

Robotics Workshop dated on March 16th 2016

The Basic Session about Robotics was held by Jeppiaar Institute of Technology IEEE Student Branch for the first years on 16th March ‘2016.The session started with IEEE Chairman Jamal Mohamad. He shared his ideas about IEEE Extreme, blog development and his lifetime experiences in IEEE. He encouraged first years to make use of their IEEE membership to their best. The session was conducted by our college IEEE members Vignesh.D and Vignesh.S.

He gave us very informative speech towards Robotics their models which was prepared during Robocon contest was showcased and also gave a lot of wisdom about Robotics, latest technologies and implementation of technologies in day to day life. The session ended with Susheel.S , who asked volunteers for content development from first years and his experiences in IEEE Networking. On the Whole, the session was interesting and enlightened the minds of young budding IEEE members. The Event concluded with the photo session.

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