Swearing Ceremony '17

Swearing Ceremony 2k17 dated on March 10th 2017

The IEEE student branch of Jeppiaar Institute of Technology has organized the “Swearing In Ceremony – 2k17� for the new exe-com members on 10.03.2017. The chief guest of this event was Mr. Prasanth Mohan, Associate Engineer at REDD robotics. The event started with the Tamil Thai vazhthu and IEEE Code of Ethics read by Haripriya. K, Secretary Jeppiaar Institute of Technology IEEE SB. After that the Welcome address speech was given by Preethi. B, Vice Chairman Jeppiaar Institute of Technology IEEE WIE. Our Director Dr. N. Marie Wilson felicitated the chief guest with a shawl and memento. Then the chief guest profile was read by Kumaran. K, Event Organiser Jeppiaar Institute of Technology IEEE CS. The chief guest gave a short motivational speech on benefits of IEEE. Old exe-com members were felicitated with a memento by the chief guest. The sign off speech were given by the IEEE SB, WIE, IEEE CS, IEEE RAS chairs respectively. Our director gave the presidential speech to the students about IEEE.

Then the new exe-com members were honored with the certificates by our director. The swearing in speeches were given by the chairman of IEEE SB, WIE, IEEE CS respectively. The vote of thanks was given by Karthick. S Treasurer Jeppiaar Institute of Technology IEEE SB. Finally the morning session ended up by taking photograph of the old exe-com and new exe-com members..The afternoon session was conducted by the chief guest about the Overview and Benefits of IEEE and followed by our alumni Mr. Vijay Srinivas gave us a session about the 3D Printing technology. Students clarified their doubts regarding IEEE and 3D printing. The session ended up by vote of thanks. The session was very useful for the students .

If you have any ideas in hosting a event or intreseted in any event mail us at: ieee@jeppiaarinstitute.org or use the contact form.