Health and hygiene awareness program for women dated on August 24th 2017

Women in Engineering Affinity Group of IEEE Student Branch of Jeppiaar Institute of Technology organised a Health and Hygiene awareness program on 24 th august 2017 for the women student and faculties of Jeppiaar Institute of technology. The chief guest of the event is Dr.Saswathi Tripathy Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Kattankulathur Campus, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre.

She has given the very good awareness about health and hygiene for women. It was a very informative session of awareness on "Breast Carcinoma ", how can we detect its symptoms by ourselves with BSE (Breast Self Examination), and how would be healthy and hygiene. She presented various slide about Self evaluation of breast cancer. Student got lot of informative awareness about their health and hygiene, students raised many of their problems and got some recommendations to get ride of the problem. The session ended with clearing the doubt of students and faculties.

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