Women Empowerment Talk '17

Women Empowerment Talk dated on March 14th 2017

The IEEE student branch of Jeppiaar Institute of Technology has organized the session “Women Empowerment talk and Benefits of IEEE SIGHT Group� on 14.03.2017. The chief guest of the event was Dr. Celia Shahnaz , Ph.D. SMIEEE, FIEB, Professor, Department of EEE, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The chief guest was felicitated by Mrs. Merlin Livingston, Head of the department, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jeppiaar Institute of Technology. The session started with the topic Challenges, Opportunities, and Initiatives for Self-Driven Women Engineering. Dr. Celia Shahnaz gave her bio-data not as a information but as a message in each and every line and said that hard work and passion will raise us to the global world. Dr. Celia Shahnaz said that managing time was a part of overcoming the challenges and we should push ourselves to achieve better heights. She also gave us some information about R10 Women in Engineering Mentor and Mentee Program (WIEMMP) and said about what are the funds allocated in WIE and also about the Technical Conferences and the Congress that can be conducted in our college. Dr. Celia Shahnaz also said about the awards in WIE and explained us about IEEE Collabratec and about Women in leadership community.

After the break, the second session was starts with Benefits of IEEE SIGHT Group. She told us about the SIGHT groups in all over the world. And also explained about the humanitarian projects. Dr. Celia Shahnaz explained us about the types of projects that come under IEEE SIGHT and how to get funding and resources for those projects. Overall it was an interesting and interactive session. The session concluded by taking photographs.

If you have any ideas in hosting a event or intreseted in any event mail us at: ieee@jeppiaarinstitute.org or use the contact form.