Women Empowerment talk

Women Empowerment talk Dated on 18th July, 2016

The Event was grandly organised by Jeppiaar Institute of Technology IEEE WIE Student Branch on 18th July ‘2016. The session started with the welcome speech by Ms. Sangeetha, and the chief guest Ms. Vishaka Khona, is felicitated by Dr.Rajesh Kumar, Head of the Department / EEE. Ms. Vishaka Khona is a User Interface Designer at TCS Center of Excellence, having passion for designing beautiful and functional user experiences. Her IEEE Journey started off being a volunteer to becoming a first women Hub Student representative in IEEE Kerala Section. She served various national and international roles such as Vice Chair of FISAT SB, Secretary of FISAT SB, Founding member and Chairman of IEEE Computer Society Student chapter, Women in Computing, Working Committee Member at IEEE CS India Council, and Student Ambassador of IEEE Computer Society.

She shared her ideas about making dreams turn into Reality and her lifetime experiences in IEEE. She encouraged second years to make use of their IEEE membership to their best such as volunteering and about Networking. Her Speech was so effective for the young budding members and was very energetic. She made us clear about creating triggers in life and to focus on our dreams come true. Finally, the session ended with the vote of thanks given by the student branch Member Ms. Nageshwari. P. On the whole, the speech enlightened the minds of all the students which made them learn about Responsibility, Leadership, managing and also about their Inspiration.

If you have any ideas in hosting a event or intreseted in any event mail us at: ieee@jeppiaarinstitute.org or use the contact form.