Women Entrepreneur Talk

Women Entrepreneur Talk Dated on 21th July, 2016

The Event was grandly celebrated by Jeppiaar Institute of Technology IEEE WIE Student Branch on 21st July ‘2016. The session started with the welcome speech and the chief guest Dr. Srimathy Kesan, Director and Educational Travel Evangelist of Space kidz India. She has won awards like "Women Entrepreneur of the year 2014 -2015", Saveetha University and National Entrepreneurs Network, “Women Entrepreneur of the year 2014 -2015", by Parijadham Foundation, “Doctorate" Honoured by Cosmopolitan University, Leading Women Entrepreneur" by II Global – 2014 and so on

She inspired us by saying "Life Is Too Short, Make The most of it and also motivate the Future Generation and Make India a Better Place to Live ". Her Speech was so effective, which made each of them coming up with their innovative ideas of discovering real time projects apart from going into job and pursuing degree, she made us understand the value of women who can make wonders in their scientific innovations and become scientific entrepreneurs and make sure of their uniqueness in different fields of exploring individual ideas and creativity.

If you have any ideas in hosting a event or intreseted in any event mail us at: ieee@jeppiaarinstitute.org or use the contact form.