2000 IEEE Computer Packaging Japan Workshop
Hikone Prince Hotel Japan
January 24 – 26, 2000

The IEEE Computer Packaging Japan Committee would like to invite you to the 2000 IEEE Packaging Workshop to be held at Hikone prince Hotel in Hikone City in January 24 – 26, 2000. This location is right on the beach of Lake Biwa.
**This workshop covers the packaging technology from mainframe computers to personal data assistants. Special sessions including a joint tour of the Castle Hikone and a PWB manufacturing plant are planned.
**All attendees are expected to participate in the discussions
**The hotel can be reached in 45 minutes by Shinkansen from Osaka.
No proceeding will be published.
Papers presenting new development or critical overviews are solicited.
Registration period:
October 01 to November 20, 1999
Registration fee:
The $370 (120 yen/$) fee covers lunches and drinks from Monday through Wednesday. In addition Monday and Tuesday dinners are included. The Hotel charge is $75/night.
Contact Person:
Shuhei Tsuchita
Packaging Technology Development, IBM Japan, Ltd., Yasu
800 Ichimiyake, Yasu-cho, Yasu-gun, Shiga, 520-2392, Japan
Telephone +81 77 587 6161, Fax +81 77 587 4733
Email: tsuchita@jp.ibm.com
Preliminary Program
Key Note Session: 3 papers on global trends in packaging for the information technologies.
** Packaging Technology for High Performance Systems
**Cooling and Noise Management
**Packaging technology in SMART cards and IC cards.
**Flip chip, substrate, and CSP/BGA packaging technology
**Packaging technology for high frequency and wireless applications.
**Environment, safety, and health technology
Special topics:
**Standardization activity in Packaging
**Requirements for Standardization for semiconductors, substrates and KGD.
**New Requirements for future Packaging
**Introduction to Automotive and Optical Packaging.