CPMT Cartoons
CPMT engineers must find special components to realize an impossible design, invent packaging to protect frail systems against the cruel world, and developing processing methods that increase quality and lower costs. Thus it is often necessary to relax by laughing at our profession. These cartoons and jokes appeared in the CPMT Newsletter over the years. The copyright is held by IEEE/CPMT with right of use by the cartoonist.
1. International Cooperation has a slow start. -- Jun 1988
2. Retirement Benefits make you just want to keep on working -- Sept 1988.
3. The Professional Traveller -- Dec 1988
4.Will your engineering sins be forgiven? -- Mar 1989
5. It is not alway easy on the other side of the ocean.-- June 1989
6. Superhero lacks the quality -- June 1989
7. Dr. Frankenstein get a lesson in Quality Process. -- June 1989
8. Silent but deadly beepers. -- June 1989
9. Cold fusion revenge. -- June 1989
10. A bridge is a bridge is a bridge. -- Sept 1989
11. Some can do it without a computer. -- Sept 1989
12. Sir Dip and the table with dual in line chairs. -- Sept 1989
13. Failure at failure analysis -- Dec 1989
14. Consensus can come too late -- Dec 1989
15. Privacy invaded by the S.E.M. -- March 1990
16. Microscopic "X-Files" -- March 1990
17. If Airplane seats could talk. -- March 1990
18. A mind like a computer. -- March 1990
19. When engineering logic breaks down. -- June 1990
20. Trying to make and engineer out of a Sow's ear. -- June 1990
21. Religious difference in the power cord. -- Dec 1990
22. You must give up something to become digital. -- Dec 1990
23. One man's oscilloscope is an electrons Disneyland. -- Dec 1990
24. Whatever you call it will change when funding dries up. -- June 1991
25. Everyone needs your funding. -- June 1991
26. Tape Automated Bonding is something everyone can disagree about. -- June 1991
27. First things first. -- June 92
28. Conspiracy theories never die! -- March 92
29. How long does a fad run? -- March 92
30. Like being married to an engineer -- Dec 92
31. An engineer is never lost . . . just reassigned -- Dec 92
32. When lightening strikes -- Dec 92
33. A chance comet comment -- Jun 93
35. Unexpect consequences of a breakthrough
36. If birds are dinosaurs . . . -- June 95
37. Where's the work? -- Dec 97
38. Negative cartography -- Sept 97
39. Some worlds don't shrink -- June 97
40. Don't hassle a tough cookie -- Sept 98
41. If only he was born 300 years later -- Sept 98
42. Babies! They don't make them like they used to. -- Sept 98
43. Two days of play . . . one day of pay -- Sept 98
44. Even the "last engineering document" misses the point. -- March 98
45. Just another goose. -- Dec 95