Letter from the Editor

This has been a very exciting issue to put together! Why, you might ask? I especially enjoyed reading the contributions of our EMC Society President, Francesca Maradei, and Associate Editors. I trust you will as well! I will touch on just a few of the columns below.
     Ms. Maradei provides a thought provoking discussion on the Impact Factor (IF) of technical journals, something that is of increasing importance to EMC practitioners and the health of the EMC Society. In this increasingly competitive world, the Impact Factor requires attention as it dictates where engineers publish, which publications flourish, who is advanced in their career….the ramifications can be tremendous. It behooves our membership to be aware of this subtle, but increasingly forceful, influence on our technical material.

Newsletter Editor Janet O’Neil is shown following an automotive EMC workshop held at the 2011 APEMC Symposium in Korea. Speakers included (from left) Jaekon Shin of the Korea Automobile Testing Research Institute, Todd Hubing of Clemson University and Kefeng Liu of ETS-Lindgren.

     In Chapter Chatter, Mike Violette contributes yet another humorous introduction based on the documents he has kept from the treasure trove of his late father’s documents. Whenever I read one of Norm’s technical contemplations from his diary, I smile from the memories of what a wonderful and intelligent person he was. This leads to Dan Hoolihan’s contribution to the History column. I enjoyed seeing the historic photos from past Newsletters, including that of the dashing Don White. Dan raises a thought provoking point in his article on page 30, what should we do with the wealth of documentation we have from our members, such as Norm Violette? Read the article and if you have a suggestion, be sure to let Dan know. It would be a loss for the future of our Society not to have the gems such as those provided by Mike Violette.
     We also have three significant practical papers in this issue that I trust you will appreciate. Our new Technical Editor, Kye Yak See, is working hard with this team of reviewers to bring you good technical content that you can use in the “real world.” Bruce Archambeault features the best and the brightest in his Design Tips column and this issue is no exception. I am sure you will appreciate the tip by Jun Fan on far-end crosstalk.
     As many of you know, EMC activity in Asia is increasing tremendously. In this issue, we feature a review of the 2011 Asia Pacific EMC Symposium on Jeju Island, Korea. Osamu Fujiwara shares information on the standout papers from this symposium in his EMC Abstracts column while Don Heirman shares with us the latest on international EMC standards activity discussed during the June meeting of the IEC Advisory Committee on EMC held in Singapore.


Following the 2011 APEMC Symposium, Janet O’Neil took a quick tour of Jeju Island. Note the varied topography of the coastline and her crazy tour guide who jumped into the photo. The symposium was very memorable, not only for the warm hospitality of the symposium organizers, or the dramatic location on a World Heritage listed island due to its unique volcanic tubes, but for the engaging personalities of the Korean people, such as tour guide Woo Gak Sim of Crezon Corporation.


     We lost a very unique member of the EMC Society, Fred Bauer, who was very active in the automotive EMC community. Don Heirman’s “Completed Careers” column pays a fitting tribute to Fred’s contributions to automotive EMC standards globally. When I started my career in EMC and attended SAE automotive EMI and EMR committee meetings, I remember being in awe of the way Fred would diplomatically present the case for a different point of view, all while complimenting those offering opinions. He always had a warm and cheerful smile. He will be deeply missed.
     In closing, we are getting closer to the launch of our NEW EMC Society magazine in 2012! President Maradei touches on this in her President’s Message. We have many exciting things in store for you with the launch of the new magazine in the first quarter of 2012. Details to come!       EMC

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