The technical program includes tutorials, a keynote speech, and sessions.


On Monday, 16 May 2005, the following tutorials will be organized:


The preliminary technical program is available here.


Professor Murat Saatcioglu

"Lessons Learned from the December 26, 2004 Tsunami and recent Earthquakes and the Importance of Instrumentation and Measurement in Disaster Mitigation" is the topic of the IMTC/05 Keynote Address to be delivered by Professor Murat Saatcioglu at the opening plenary session Tuesday 17 May. The talk will be illustrated with slides and images obtained when he visited the tsunami-devastated area in Asia as an expert member of Canadian inspection team/

Dr. Saatcioglu is a Professor and University Research Chair at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Ottawa and the Vice Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Engineering . He is the President of the Canadian Association for Earthquake Engineering and is a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute and the Engineering Institute of Canada.

He is a member of the Canadian National Committee on Earthquake Engineering, and a member of numerous technical committees of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), American Concrete Institute (ACI) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Dr. Saatcioglu's research achievements have been recognized by the ACI 1989 Charles Whitney Medal, ASCE 2000 Raymond C. Reese Research Prize, CSCE 2001 and 2004 Casimir Gzowski Metal and ACI 2005 Wason Medal.

Professor Saatcioglu has also been recognized for his excellence in teaching. He is the recipient of the Faculty of Engineering's 1992 John V. Marsh Award for Excellence in Teaching, Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) 1992 Teaching Award, Lieutenant Governor's 1993 Award for Teaching Excellence and the University of Ottawa's 1996 Award for Excellence in Teaching (professor of the year). His primary research activities concentrate on seismic analysis, design and retrofit of reinforced concrete structures.