Town and Country Resort & Convention Center

500 Hotel Circle North,
San Diego, California 92108

Reservations: 1-800-77-ATLAS  (mention conference name: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium)

>>>Online Reservation<<< (attendee code: NSSMIC)

Conference Rate:

$139.00 per room (up to 4 people), plus 10.5% tax,
valid until October 13, 2006.


This special convention rate is extended three days prior to, and three days following, the conference on a space available basis.  Government rate is available for individuals with proper ID. 

This convention rate also includes the following benefits:

  • Parking is free to hotel guests,  $16/day for others
  • No telephone access charges in the guest rooms


If you are interested in sharing a hotel room with other conference atttendees, visit the room-sharing page.

Here is a map showing other nearby hotels.