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Our Prestigious Awards

Recognizing Outstanding Achievements in Power Electronics

The IEEE Awards program pays tribute to technical professionals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have impacted engineering, science, and technology. This tradition of public recognition continues today. In the 21st century, IEEE Awards have become one of the highest honors a technical professional can receive. They are an esteemed symbol of the admiration of one’s peers and bestowed upon individuals whose accomplishments have enhanced the global economy while improving the quality of daily life.

IEEE Awards recognize and encourage contributions to science and technology. They honor achievements in education, industry, research, and service that encompasses the breadth of the many IEEE technical interest areas, from computer science, electrical engineering, information technology, and microelectronics to optoelectronics, radar technologies, signal processing, and beyond. Each award has a unique mission and criteria, offering the opportunity to honor distinguished colleagues, inspiring teachers, and corporate leaders.

Through the Awards program, the IEEE and the Societies that preceded it have played an impactful role in encouraging innovation. Individuals honored with IEEE Awards join a remarkable group of well-known pioneers such as Bell, Edison, Marconi, Noyce, and Grove – among many others. These individuals and others inspire future generations and are personal role models for aspiring professionals.

Andreas Lindermann Portrait
Awards Chair

Andreas Lindemann
Universitaet Magdeburg (Germany)

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To See All Upcoming Award Deadlines, Visit Our Community Calendar.


Portfolio of Awards

The Society has various prestigious awards that aim at students and young engineers or honor experienced engineers for their achievements or service in supporting the welfare of the PELS and the power electronics community. For details about each award and how to nominate or apply, please refer to the descriptions accessible through the award list below.


If you have questions about or would like more information about the Society’s awards, please send us a message.