Publications » IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

    IEEE Power Electronics Letters


    IEEE Power Electronics Letters was started in January 2003 as a new journal of PELS to fill the need for a focused, rapid-publication archival journal for emerging development in power electronics. Since January 2006, it has been published as part of the Transactions on Power Electronics, but continues to have a separate editorial team in order to maintain its focus and to facilitate its rapid publication.

    The focus of Power Electronics Letters is new ideas and fundamental concepts. A Letter is still expected to include a literature review to establish its relationship to prior work, and present sufficient results to prove the validity and viability of proposed concept, but these parts must be written concisely in order to focus on the new idea and specific contribution. Works dealing with subjects that cannot be presented in this format because of the need for extensive literature review, lengthy analysis and derivation, and/or extensive experimental verification and validation shall be submitted as regular papers to the Transactions.
    Manuscript Submission and Review: The Letters uses the same online submission system in Manuscript Central ( as the Transactions on Power Electronics. Therefore, authors who have an account in Manuscript Central for the Transactions can use it also for Letter submission. Select "Letter" (instead of Regular Paper) when you upload your submission files, and your manuscript will be reviewed as a Letter. Manuscript format and other submission requirements are the same as for regular papers submitted to the Transactions.

    The typical review cycle for a Letter submission is 6-8 weeks. Unlike regular papers which are queued for publication, an accepted Letter submission will be published in the next available issue. Another difference from regular papers is that multiple revisions are strongly discouraged for Letters because of the emphasis on rapid publication. Therefore, a Letter submission that requires only minor changes may be accepted without resubmission and review again by the editorial team, while an otherwise acceptable submission may be rejected if it requires significant revision that is not feasible for a short period of time.
    Letters are limited to 4 pages when published. Although we don't want to be overly strict, submissions that are significantly longer than this limit will be returned without review.

    Questions or request for additional information shall be directed to

    Prof. Jian Sun
    Editor-in-Chief, Power Electronics Letters
    Department of Electrical, Computer and System Engineering
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180, USA
    Telephone: (518) 276-8297