

Power Engineering Society General Meeting 2006


IEEE Distribution Analysis Subcommittee

Tuesday, June 20, 2006, Montreal, Canada.




Sukumar Brahma, Sandoval Carneiro Jr., Roger Dugan, Jiyuan Fan, Karen Miu, Hiroyuki Mori, Koichi Nara, Karen Pederson, Christian Perreault, Steve Widergrez.


1.      Meeting was called to order at 2:05 PM.


2.      After the officer-rotation at the end of year 2005, the office-holders are:

  • Karen Miu – Chair
  • Karen Butler-Purry – Vice Chair
  • Sukumar Brahma – Secretary

However, since Karen Butler-Purry is not in a position to attend the DSA meetings due to a conflict in schedules, Tom MacDermott’s name was suggested as Vice-Chair and upheld.


A motion was made by Sando that the officers rotate every two years at the end of the Subcommittee Meeting, instead of the traditional rotation at the end of the calendar year. The motion was unanimously upheld.


3.      Minutes of the PES GM2005 meeting was unanimously approved with minor corrections as reflected in the revised minutes.


4.      Discussion:

a.       Subcommittee report on 2005-2006 activities covering T&D 2005/6 and GM06 was completed and submitted. The panels at both meetings were well attended.

b.      The DSA Working Groups and Task Force structure as described in the minutes of the 2005 meeting was reviewed and it was decided that the Distribution System Analytical Data Dictionary Task Force be dissolved.

c.       Sukumar will update the membership list on the DSA web site.

d.      Due to an increased interest and research funding in the area of DC distribution systems, which are prevalent on ship-boards, it was decided to offer a panel session on the topic.


5.      Two panel sessions will be offered at PSC&E 2006 in Atlanta:

·        Current Advances in Distribution System Analysis - 1

·        Current Advances in Distribution System Analysis – 2


6.      The following panels were suggested for GM 2007 in Tampa, FL:

·        Distribution Test Feeders – Chair: Roger Dugan

·        Models and Analytical Tools in Distribution System Analysis – Chair: Sando Carneiro

·        Shipboard Power Systems - Chair: Karen Miu


7.      Radial Test Feeders Task Force will be renamed as Distribution Test Feeders Task Force to make it more general. This TF has not been formally sanctioned by PSACE. This will be done at the PSACE Administrative Meeting from 4:5 PM.


8.      Distribution System Analytical Data Dictionary Task Force is dissolved


9.      DG Modeling Task Force: Karen Miu will join Karen Butler-Purry on the task force.


10.  New Business: It was felt that more people providing exemplary service at local chapter, technical council level and subcommittee level should be identified for awards.


Meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM.


Prepared by Sukumar Brahma