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Tutorials & Workshops: information for organizers

Direct Links

PaperPlaza- Overview and general instructions
- Schedules after acceptance
- Each Workshop/Tutorial Website Open
- Workshop/Tutorial Agenda Submission
- Inquiry about tutorials & workshops contributions

Important Dates:

Submission of proposals: September 15, 2008
(23:59:59 US Pacific Time)
Notification of acceptance: November 15, 2008
Workshop/tutorial website open: December 31, 2008
Workshop/tutorial agenda submission: January 15, 2009
Final workshops and tutorials material due: March 1, 2009

Overview and general instructions:

Dates and time for ICRA2009 Workshop/Tutorial :
May 12 (9:00-17:00), 13 (9:00-12:00) and 17(9:00-17:00), 2009.

We solicit tutorial and workshop proposals that address important and new topics related to the conference theme, Robotics and IRT for Livable Societies, as well as robotics and automation in general. Workshops should focus on areas of active research, in order to provide an informal forum for participants to exchange developing research results and ideas. Tutorials should target established fields of research, in order to provide descriptions on its state of the art, by individuals who are recognized researchers of the field. All workshop/tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the ICRA 2009 Workshop/Tutorial Committee.


We encourage proposals that will attract a broad audience from industry. The primary criteria for selection are anticipated level of interest, impact, novelty or creativity, and technical background of presenters.

* Schedules after acceptance: Tutorial & workshop proposals

Decisions will be announced by November 15, 2008. The following is the remaining schedule:

- December 31, 2008: Each Workshop/tutorial website open
- January 15, 2009: Workshop/tutorial agenda submission deadline
- February 15, 2009: Program finalized for each workshop and tutorial
- March 1, 2009: Final workshops and tutorials material due
(workshops-papers, tutorials-lecture materials, both up to 200 pages in pdf format). The written material for each workshop or tutorial should include a cover page and a table of contents (if there are multiple presenters)


Each Workshop/Tutorial Website Open

All oganizers of the accepted workshops/tutorials are kindly requested to open the website of the workshop/tutorial and please report the address URL to the tutorials/workshop chairs by the end of December 2008. The website should at least include organizers' name, title, abstract, program and speakers, while it is free format.

Workshop/Tutorial Agenda Submission

The agenda submission of the accepted tutorial or workshop contribution must be submitted to the tutorials / workshop chairs, by January 15 2009, by a summarizing (at most) two (2) pages in the following specified format as a PDF file. Please number and clearly delineate each section. This is a revised version of the proposal and will be used for the CD-ROM Proceedings.

  • Title
  • Organizers (complete address, phone, and email)
  • Abstract (less than 200 words, indicate full or half day, workshop or tutorial)
  • Motivation and objectives (less than 300 words)
  • List of topics
  • List of presenters with affiliations and status of confirmation
  • Intended audience
  • Tentative schedule and agenda
  • Contents of the workshop / tutorial proceedings (if any, indicate paper or abstract proceedings, or poster sessions, etc.)
  • Relation to the previous ICRA or IROS workshops/tutorials.

Inquiry about tutorials & workshops contributions

If you have questions regarding the proposal, please contact the Tutorials and workshops Charis.


Tutorials and Workshops Chairs

Yoky Matsuoka (University of Washington)
Cecilia Laschi (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)
Makoto Kaneko (Osaka University)




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