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[Archive] Contributed Videos

Direct Links

PaperPlaza- Overview and general instructions
- Preparing a two-page PDF file summarizing your videos
- Submitting your final video via PaperPlaza
- Inquiry about video contributions

Important Dates:

Submission of contributions: September 15, 2008
(23:59:59 US Pacific Time)
Notification of acceptance: January 7, 2009
All final contributions due: February 8, 2009

Overview and general instructions:

Initial video contributions (a self-contained 1.5-3 minutes video not connected with a paper accepted to ICRA 2009) consist of a mpeg file (max 50 MB), accompanied by a summary in the form of a PDF file (up to 2 pages long). Unless the reviewers specifically asked for modifications during the review process, there is no need to re-upload your accepted video file - the original version will be used as final (this can be specified during the final submission procedure in PaperPlaza). Your video contribution should not have a commercial pitch. The authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content. Videos should not use special codecs (coders/decoders) in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. We strongly recommend the most common media formats (mpeg 1 or mpeg 4). Only freely available players (e.g., QuickTime, RealPlayer, Microsoft Windows Media Player, MPlayer) should be required for viewing the video. Providing video portability is a responsibility of the authors, also in their interest.

Preparing a two-page PDF file summarizing your videos

The initial submission of a video contribution must be accompanied by a summarizing two-page text as a PDF file. This text should provide an outline of the work presented, references to papers that provide more details about the work as well as related work. For the final preparation of the summarizing text of a video contribution, please follow the instructions for paper contribution, with the exception that the length should be (at most) two (2) pages in the specified conference double-column format. This 2-page summarizing text must be IEEE PDF compliant as the instructions on the paper contribution page specify.

Submitting your final video via PaperPlaza:

PaperPlaza Submit your video and the IEEE PDF-compliant version of your 2 page summarizing text via the PaperPlaza web page.

Inquiry about video contributions

If you have questions regarding the submissions process, please contact the Video Proceedings Chair.


Videos Chair

Peter Corke (CSIRO)




