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Neural Net. TC
Fuzzy Sys. TC
Evol. Comp. TC
Comp. Fin. TC

Upcoming Conferences with a Neural Network Component

A version of this conference list also appears in the journal ``Neural Networks'', under the heading ``Current Events''. Copyright 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. This document can be reproduced and propagated at will, as long as it is not for profit and this header is left intact.

If you have any conference details to add to this list, please send a request to the IEEE NNC Homepage Editor (t.cholewo@ieee.org).


February 11-15, 2001
NNA'01: 2001 WSES International Conference on Neural Networks and Applications
Place: Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Deadline: October 30, 2000 (full papers). Contact: Maria Makrynaki, WSES European Office, Agiou Ioannou Theologou 19-21, Zografou, Athens, Greece, email: nna@worldses.org

February 11-15, 2001
FSFS'01: 2001 WSES International Conference on Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Systems
Place: Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Deadline: October 30, 2000 (full papers). Contact: Maria Makrynaki, WSES European Office, Agiou Ioannou Theologou 19-21, Zografou, Athens, Greece, email: fsfs@worldses.org

February 11-15, 2001
EC'01: 2001 WSES International Conference on Evolutionary Computation
Place: Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Deadline: October 30, 2000 (full papers). Contact: Maria Makrynaki, WSES European Office, Agiou Ioannou Theologou 19-21, Zografou, Athens, Greece, email: ec@worldses.org


April 22-25, 2001
ICANNGA 2001: 5th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Place: Lichtenstein Palace, Prague, Czech Republic. Deadline: September 20, 2000 (draft papers). Contact: Dr. Vera Kurkova, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pod vodarenskou vezi 2, P. O. Box 5, 187 02 Prague 8, Czech Republic, phone: +420 2 6605 3231, fax: +420 2 8585 789, email: icannga@cs.cas.cz


June 13-15, 2001
IWANN 2001: International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks
Place: Granada, Spain. Deadline: February 28, 2001.


June 19-22, 2001
CIMA'2001: Computational Intelligence, Methods and Applications
Place: University of Wales in Bangor, U.K.. Deadline: October 31, 2000.


July 16-18, 2001
EANN'2001: Seventh International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
Place: Cagliari, Italy. Deadline: March 15, 2001. Contact: Prof. Roberto BARATTI, Dept. Chemical Engineering and Material Science, University of Cagliari, Piazza D'Armi, 09123 Cagliari, Italy, Tel: +39 0706755056, Fax: +39 0706755067, email: eann01@dicm.unica.it


July 9-11, 2001
IAWTIC'2001: International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technology and Internet Commerce
Place: Las Vegas, USA. Deadline: March 16, 2001.


July 9-11, 2001
CIMCA'2001: International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation
Place: Las Vegas, USA. Deadline: March 16, 2001.


July 22-25, 2001
SCI'2001: The 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
Place: Sheraton World, Orlando, Florida, USA. Deadline: January 24, 2001 (extended abstracts). Contact: IIIS, SCI '2000, 7525 Karlov Avenue, Skokie, Illinois 60076


October 22-25, 2001
AMiRE 2001: 1st Conference on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment
Place: Paderborn, Germany. Deadline: March 31, 2001. Contact: Heinz Nixdorf Institute, AMiRE 2001, Fürstenallee 11, 33102 Paderborn, Germany


February 3-6, 2002
AFSS'2002: International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
Place: Science City, Calcutta. Deadline: April 30, 2001. Contact: Conference Secretariat, AFSS 2002, ECSU, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B. T. Road, Calcutta 700 035, India, email: afss2002@isical.ac.in

May 27-29, 2002
VI'2002: 15th International Conference on Vision Interface (jointly with AI'2002 and GI'2002)
Place: Calgary, Canada. Deadline: December 1, 2001.

July 7-14, 2002
CSCC 2002: 6th WSES/IEEE Multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications & Computers
Place: Rethymna Beach, Rethymnon, Crete Island, Greece. Deadline: March 5, 2002. Contact: email: cscc@worldses.org

August 6-8, 2002
ICSENG2002: Fifteenth International Conference On Systems Engineering
Place: University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Deadline: February 8, 2002. Contact: Dr. Henry Selvaraj, Phone: (702) 895 4184, FAX: (702) 895 1115, email: secretary@icseng.org


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This page (https://www.ewh.ieee.org/tc/nnc/conferences/comprehensive.html) was most recently modified on Feb 8, 2002.