The Professional Activities Arm of the IEEE

IEEE-USA is an organizational unit of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. created in 1973 to support the career and public policy interests of IEEE's U.S. members.


Our Mission: To recommend policies and implement programs specifically intended to serve and benefit the members, the profession, and the public in the United States in appropriate professional areas of economic, ethical, legislative, social and technology policy concern.


Our Vision: To serve the IEEE-USA member by being the technical professional's best resource for achieving life long career vitality and by providing an effective voice on policies that promote U.S. prosperity.

Where Your $27 U.S.
IEEE Assessment Goes

Every IEEE member residing in Regions 1-6 pays a restricted assessment of $27 in addition to basic IEEE dues for support of IEEE's professional programs, including the operations of IEEE-USA. The following chart and description shows where this money goes:

 Where IEEE USA Dues Go

IEEE-USA Board of Directors/Operations

Finance Committee

Government Fellows Committee

Legislative Initiative Task Force

Long Range/Strategic Planning Committee

New Business Development Committee (Inactive)

Nominations and Appointments Committee

Washington Internships for Students of Engineering Task Force

Career Activities

Career Policy Committee

Intellectual Property Committee

Licensure and Registration Committee

Work Force Committee

Member Activities

Alliance of IEEE Consultants Networks (AICN)

Awards and Recognition Committee

Career and Employment Services Committee

Communications Committee

Precollege Education Committee

Survey Committee

Professional Activities (PACE)

Professional Activities Committee

Student Professional Awareness Committee

State Government Activities Committee

Technology Policy Activities

Committee on Communications and Information Policy

Committee on Transportation Policy

Energy Policy Committee

Medical Technology Policy Committee

Research and Development Policy Committee

Guidelines to the Professional
Employment of Engineers
Employment Guidelines



IEEE USA Working on Capital Hill

On 21 October, IEEE-USA President Le Earl Bryant (right) and U.S. IEEE Member Stephen Morton (center) distributed more than 500 leaflets, titled

"American Engineers at Risk,"
on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

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