Has A body of knowledge

        required to be acquired and maintained by the practitioner

The authority to practice

        is granted, upheld and enforced by an authorizing body

There is a society to which the individual belongs

        which promotes his/her practice field in common interests with others and strives to support their practice

There is a Code of Ethics

        to be complied with

Has a strong sense of public service

        with the obligation to practice in their bestinterests of protecting their health, safety         and welfare

Practitioner is highly skilled in the services rendered

Practitioner is compensated for the services rendered

Practitioner functions with authority

        and exercises responsible, independent judgment in the application of his/her          knowledge and skills

Practitioner achieves recognition

        and acquires esteem from the public, client, or employer and peers


One engaged in a profession, characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession.

High Academic Standards—Having knowledge and skill not possessed by the general public (for example, high levels of technical competence)

Continual Renewal of Knowledge—Staying abreast of developments through journals, publications, conferences, and seminars

Service for Society—Performing services that affect the public health, safety, and welfare (beneficial application of technical competence)

Personal Responsibility for Work—Continually looking for own mistakes and opportunities/methods for improvement

Display of Self-Confidence—Who wants a nervous dentist, unsure of which tooth to drill?

Exercise of Judgment and Discretion—Having flexibility/authority to make decisions based upon a defined body of knowledge

Predominantly Intellectual Work—Generally white-collar and not readily subject to productivity measurement

Regulated/License Usually Required—Quality of work is subject to established standards. Members of the profession risk loss of right to practice for misconduct, incompetence, or gross negligence

Dedication Beyond Pecuniary and PersonalConsiderations—Commitment to the "calling" with ethics and quality of work transcending any other issues



Has to do with how engineers practice and conduct them-selves in their work and as individuals in society.

Further, it includes the way their clients/employers award them for their work.

Further, it includes the recognition bestowed upon them by society as a result of the contributions they make to society from the results of applying their special scientific knowledge in engineering products for the public to use.

Professionalism is the conduct that characterizes or marks a profession or professional person.

Buried somewhere in the notion of professionalism “are ethics” or “honest practice.”

Other attributes are a job well done, a concern for public approbation, and the need for “group action to protect engineers rights”.

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