Urban campus with state-of-the-art facilities to develop human nature, located in Toyosu, the heart of the trend setting Tokyo Bay district

Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) has firmly maintained "learning through practice" as the philosophy in education of engineers ever since Tokyo Higher School of Industry and Commerce, the predecessor to SIT, was established in 1927. In response to the recent progress in the globalization of the economy, SIT is providing an up-to-date framework for "learning through practice" including intensive English Language programs, Project Based Learning programs under multicultural environment, along with many Hands-on subjects that has been preserved through SIT's 88 years of history.
Toyosu is attracting attention as a new business destination as well as a fashionable residential area. The SIT Toyosu Campus opened in 2006 in conjunction with revitalization efforts in the area. This expansive campus is equipped with all the facilities a student could desire for research and study. This campus further facilitates SIT educational goals of not only imparting academic knowledge to students but also instilling human nature.
Junior and senior students of College of Engineering and students of Graduate Schools study on this campus. "Robotics Research Square" was established as the base of the Shibaura Institute of Technology Robotics Consortium in September 2013. As part of regional cooperation activities, taking advantages of being located along the canal, the Toyosu Campus is also home to the head office of the Toyosu Canals Renaissance Conference which has played host to the "On-board Cafe" and the "Watercolor Festival."

Toyosu Campus, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Address: 3-7-5 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8548