Angela Chuang
Senior Project Manager


Power Delivery and Utilization

Angela Chuang is a Senior Project Manager at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). She supports projects on smart grids, electricity markets, and demand response. Chuang is responsible for developing and managing strategic projects demonstrating enabling technologies and techniques for demand-side integration. Her analytical research focuses on the development of methodologies and tools for connecting retail to wholesale electricity markets and for enabling widespread integration of distributed resources and customer participation.


Since joining EPRI in 2006, Chuang has crafted a five-year research agenda for EPRI¡¯s Smart Grid Demonstration initiative, managed the development of a roadmap for the California Smart Grid, and oversaw implementation of a vendor database focused on commercially available demand-side and advanced metering technologies. She has also developed a framework for characterizing retail customer demand-side programs and led in the publication of common international perspectives on demand-side integration.


Prior to joining EPRI, Chuang worked for ALSTOM ESCA (now AREVA T&D), a supplier of information technology for the electricity industry where she led research, development, and demonstration projects on advanced communications and control systems for distributed energy resources.


Dr. Chuang is a Senior Member of IEEE and serves on several CIGRE Working Groups, including C5.7 (Electricity Markets Design) and C6.9 (Demand Side Response). She has been an invited speaker to both domestic and international audiences. She received Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and doctorate degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Management of Technology certificate from Berkeley¡¯s Haas School of Business.