Bruce Nordman

Bruce Nordman



Directions to Berkeley Lab.

1 Cyclotron Road
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720-8136 USA
in person:
Room 2062, Building 90, Alvarez Road, Berkeley Lab.

Current Major Research Topics

Energy Efficient Digital Networks

Energy Efficient Digital Networks — Energy savings in IT and CE networks.



Energy Star program support — Computers, Servers, and Imaging Equipment.

Other Current Projects / Interests

Recent Talks

Past Projects

Power Management ControlsPower Management Controls — a project to develop standards for terms, symbols, indicators, etc. to increase power management savings.

Materials Use / Consumption

This is no longer an active research area of mine.

Cutting Paper

Paper End-Use Efficiency — practical information on reducing paper use. This web site dates from Fall, 1998, but much of the information is still applicable.



Consumption Efficiency in general — improving materials consumption to reduce industrial production and increase quality of life.

I work for Alan Meier. We are part of the Energy Analysis Department.

Last Modified: February 17, 2009