Biography for Ron Hofmann



Ron Hofmann specializes in business development and technology assessment in the energy sector.  Mr. Hofmann has extensive experience in developing new businesses and markets from the ground up.  Currently, he sits on one Board and is an advisor to several emerging energy-related technology companies.  Also, through the University of California, he is helping the California Energy Commission¡¯s PIER program develop RD&D projects.


Over the past 45 years, Mr. Hofmann has started several successful enterprises.  In the early seventies, he helped pioneer the commercialization of engineering simulation software (PISCES) through direct sales and the use of CDC Cybernet (an early worldwide computer network of mainframes).  In 1983, he was a co-founder (and the original CEO for 10 years) of EnergyLine Systems, Inc.,   EnergyLine, a provider of communicating automation solutions for applications on both sides of the power revenue meter, is now a division of S&C Electric.


Mr. Hofmann has a mechanical engineering degree from the University of California in Berkeley and did post-graduate studies in thermo sciences at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.  For many years, he was an active (and charter) participant in the CEO Forum sponsored by the Santa Clara University Business School.  In his career, he held technical, marketing, sales, and management positions in large and small companies.