Invited Speaker

Innovative Optical Fiber Approaches for Water Quality Monitoring

Ken-Tye Yong  (The University of Sydney)

Biography: Ken-Tye Yong is a Professor in the School of Biomedical Engineering, and he also serves as the Associate Dean for External Engagement in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sydney. His role focuses on the leadership and management of external engagement activities and programs at the faculty level. He is a member of the management committee of the Warren Centre, and the Centre aims to promote excellence-engineering innovation in industry, government, and academia. Ken-Tye Yong was previously the Provost's Chair in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the Director of the Centre of Bio-Devices and Signal Analysis, and the Program Director of the Nanoelectronics Centre of Excellence at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Ken-Tye has published more than 250 international journal papers and has constantly given invited and keynote talks. He is listed as a highly cited researcher in his research field. Ken-Tye’s research group interests include engineering nanomaterials for biophotonic and nanomedicine applications, nanotoxicity and pharmacokinetics of nanomaterials, fabricating miniaturized microdevices for biological applications, designing nanosensors for biodetection, modelling of microfluidics and plasmonic sensor systems, creating devices for nanophotonics studies, applying triboelectric nanogenerator for drug delivery applications, the developing of RNA delivery platform based on conjugated oligoelectrolytes and applications of wearable technologies. He served as the Chair of the Environmental Sensing Technical Group for the Optical Society of America (OSA). Ken-Tye is the Fellow of Optical Society of America, Fellow of Royal Society of New South Wales, Fellow of Engineers Australia, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of Royal Society of Biology, Fellow of Institute of Physics, Fellow of Materials, Minerals and Mining, and Senior Member of IEEE.
