Short Course Speaker

GaN Power Devices – Do We Understand How They Work?

Martin Kuball (University of Bristol)

Biography: Professor Kuball is Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom, and Director of the Centre for Device Thermography and Reliability, focusing on wide and ultrawide bandgap semiconductors including for power and RF electronic applications, Research includes materials ranging from Gallium Nitride, Gallium Oxide to Diamond, such as on electrical device buffer design and testing, thermal management and device reliability. He is Fellow of IEEE, SPIE, MRS, IET and IoP, and obtained his PhD from the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Physics, Stuttgart, Germany and joined the University of Bristol after being Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University, USA, where he was involved in the first demonstration of US made blue laser diodes.
