Invited Speaker

Plasmonically Enhanced Spectroscopies for Optical Nanoimaging and Sensing

Prabhat Verma   (Osaka University)

Biography: Prabhat Verma is a Professor at the Department of Applied Physics of Osaka University in Japan, where he leads a research team on Nanospectroscopy. He is a Fellow of Optica (formerly OSA), SPIE and JSAP (Japan Society of Applied Physics). He has served several international scientific societies in various capacities, including being a Director and an Executive Director of JSAP. He received his Master from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur and Doctorate from IIT Delhi in India, after which he went for post-doctoral research in Germany and in Japan, before joining Osaka University as an associate professor in 2002. Prof. Verma is one of the leaders in the fields of photonics, plasmonics, nanoimaging, and plasmonically enhanced nanospectroscopies, such as the tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS). He has published more than 180 papers in high ranked journals, including Nature Photonics and Nature communications, has written several book chapters, review articles, has delivered more than 60 Plenary, Keynote and Invited talks in various international conferences, and has organized more than 30 international conferences. He is currently an Editor of Optics Communications, an Editor of Scientific Reports and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Photonics.
